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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

'A law that completely exempts Torah students – defies Torah law' Harav Sheilat R"Y Birchat Moshe

 Rabbi Yitzchak Sheilat, head of the Birkat Moshe Yeshiva in Ma'ale Adumim, announced that, "It is not written in the Torah that there is a part of the Jewish nation that is exempt," he said in an interview with Radio 103FM. "We are fighting a mitzvah war, and it is written explicitly that everyone is obligated – everything else is insignificant. Everyone must take responsibility. Especially those who are studying Torah."

"A law that completely dismisses Torah students is against the Torah," he added.

Rabbi Sheilat made these statements after he signed a letter with other rabbis in the Religious Zionism sector, including Rabbi Yaaqov Medan, head of the Hesder Yeshiva at Har Etzion, Rabbi Benny Kalmanson, president of the Hesder Yeshiva in Otniel, Rabbi David Stav, Rabbi of the city of Shoham and chairman of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization, Rabbi Daniel Shilo, Rabbi of the Mishkan Meir Synagogue in Kedumim and one of the founders of the Gush Emunim movement, and Rabbi Yochanan Fried, chairman of Beit Harav Kook.

The Rabbis jointly called out to the public, "We want to make it clear that according to our holy Torah, it is an absolute obligation for each and every person in the Jewish nation to participate in this war, to help Israel in times of distress that have come upon them, and this includes Torah scholars."

"We demand from the elected representatives, in all sectors of society, not to withdraw from the public, and not to support the government outline that is being proposed now, which is not even the beginning of the real answer to Israel's existential security and social needs, in the short and long term," they added.

"We call on the elected officials, from all sectors, to come to their senses, not to ignore this just and moral Torah demand, to rise above narrow political considerations and jointly promote a real outline, which will lead to a significant increase in the participation of all parts of society, including the haredi sector, in the defense of the people and the country, and to take all measures required to achieve this, the rabbis concluded their call.

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