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Sunday, November 12, 2023

The video Hamas is trying to hide: Palestinians refuse to be used as human shields and escape south, away from Hamas’ terror hub.


 In a video that Hamas doesn’t want you to see, it depicts Palestinians choosing not to act as human shields and instead moving south using the ID’s evacuation corridor to distance themselves from the activities of Hamas, known for its acts of terror.

Additionally, accounts from a Palestinian woman suggest that Israeli forces were firing, although not at civilians; the gunfire may have been directed at Hamas militants who posed a threat to the civilian population.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Omer Bartov can be credited to be the first to come up with the G slur at the Oct 7 war. Which explains why longtine Israelophobe C. Amanpour promoted his rhetoric on Nov 15, 2023, and she anxiously asked him when the G word can already/finally be applied. That was long before Gaza's 'dead baby strategy' human-shields en-masse Hamas Jihadofascist regime sent it's allies in South African government to file at ICJ.


On July 25, 2014 racist Francesca Albanese (who recycled antisemitic tropes in 2014 [TOI, 14.12.22; UNWatch, 6.2.23], her husband worked for Palestinian Authority [UNWatch, 29.3.22] and in 2023 had justified Arab Palestinian Oct 7 atrocities [NRO, 12.2.24]), uttered the PallyWeid G slur, by pushing dishonest sloppy "historian" [Benny Morris, 17.3 11] and inventor of fake quotes [Dexter Van Zille 24.2.12] and bigot [ADL, 14.5.07] Ilan Pappe's garbage.