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Thursday, November 2, 2023

Satmar Newspaper "Der Yid" Blames All the Deaths of Oct 7 on the Zionists Just Like HAMAS!


In the third paragraph above, "DER GOY" writes:

"this is a one long chain for the terrible price that klall Yisrael is paying for the existence of the Zionist State that was established before the coming of the Mashiach, climaxing with the latest murder by Hamas of 1,400 sacrifices"

In the final paragraph, the first 5 lines, from Der Goy, could be mistaken for a  Hamas handbook

"those with faith, should be careful not to fall for Zionist propaganda that is all over the news and the streets. bla bla bla 

We should all pray for the total antihalation of the State, but with compassion and it should not cost another drop of Jewish blood, G-d help!"

Guys you get this? This is what they are davening for?

"The annihilation of the only Jewish State" Ouch!

Oh! But they add without "costing another drop of Jewish blood?"

Thank you!

In his sefer "Al Hagila" the Satmar Rebbe z"l has a solution how this can happen, he suggests that the State be under the auspices of the United Nations! 


The UN???????

The UN is now siding with Hamas!!

Even during the 6 day war, when the Satmar Rebbe asked Yossel Ashkanazi to write that sefer, the UN sided with the Arabs!!Yet, he suggested that the UN take over.

Tell me one country that is under the UN auspices and has a lasting peace.

Is there anyone out there that can tell me the difference in ideology between Neturei Karta, Hamas and Satmar?



Anonymous said...

The difference is obvious. They might be wrong and misguided, but they are not evil. They have their shita but aren't hoping for death of jews. You comparing them to hamas is just disingenuous.

Anonymous said...

Cult. I thought it would have been the sheitels. Or the plastic glass frames. Or the metal glass frames. Or the stockings. Or the gays. Or the left handed people. Or the left handed watches.

Dusiznies said...

You don't get it, do you?
Praying for the destruction of the State is evil, and means "death for the Jews"
Tell me, Tzaddik, how is it possible to destroy the State without destroying the people in it?
And these are the precise words straight out of the Hamas leadership.
Oh! You will put it under UN or Euro auspices? You think the Palestinians are going to allow that for one second?
Yes Mashiach is the only solution, but that is not what they are saying they are praying for the destruction of the only Jewish State in the entire world
BTW the muslims wnt to control the entire world even Kiryas Yoel, you think once the take the US they will leave Kiryas Yoel alone? Naive and stupid thinking .

Garnel Ironheart said...

The difference is that, to cover their hatred, Satmars engage in all sorts of chased projects that benefit Jews outside the community who then defend them when you point out how bereft of humanity they are.

Professor Ryesky said...

Anonymous 4:47, you forgot the pink and red baby prams.

Ezra Friedlander Group Liska Whore said...

Friedlander works for KJ-Palm Tree.

What about Ezra's Turkish buddies, like Erdogan?

Are they saying the tefillah for the government of Turkey at the Liska shtiebel on Shabbos? Turkey's economy has really crashed in recent years.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Kiryas Yoel the same as having a Jewish state. How can you? Unless. You directly benefit from one and not the other.in English we cal that evil.

Yosef said...

Der Yid is being very charitable by writing 1400 Korbanos. Some weren't Jewish and most weren't religious. The 260 people by the festival of Gilui Arayos and Avodah Zarah were dancing around a statue of Buddha on Shabbos Simchas Torah.

Even the religious also worship the State of Israel (which got smacked down bec of Kochi VeOtzem Yadi) which according to all Gedolim is AVODA Zara.

And please don't quote the Religious Zionish 'rabbis' with their Kippah Serugah. They look like Ameratzim like the Chazon Ish said 'the Mizrachi don't know how to learn'

Dusiznies said...

Tell Me Yosef
What "Buddha" did the 45 people murdered in Miron by other Jews, worship?

At least the "The 260 people by the festival of Gilui Arayos and Avodah Zarah"
dies al Kiddus Hashem, not one Gadol argues about that, in Miron, on the other hand most Gedoilim doubted that they were killed Al Kiddush Hasehm, to make the families feel a little better, Rav Zilberstein had to use his thumb and twist it to say they died Al Kiddush Hashem.

Yosef, the one who said that the IDF is "Kochi VeOtzem Yadi" was the Satmar Rebbe himself in his book "al Hagila" where he writes that the "IDF is the best army in the world, and that is why they won in 1967, and he adds that the "victory had nothing to do with the Ribbono Shel Oilim but it was the Sitra Achera"

The Chazon Ish said that the "Mizrachi don't know how to learn?" When did he talk Loshon Hara on other frum Jews! Most of Klall Yisrael doesn't pasken like the Chazon Ish on practically anything, and we do pasken like Mizrachi Poiskim on many issues.

So Yosef, I hope you feel good about yourself that you were able to shame and ridicule the Karbonos that were murdered Al Kiddush Hashem, and you exposed the Chazon Ish as someone who spoke Loshon Hara, you did all this in a couple of sentences.
You are not guaranteed that your children and grandchildren will not worship a Buddaha or marry goyim so be careful how you talk about the dead!

Kloizenberg husid said...

Yosef Batchi
When the Kloizenberger Rebbe founded his Laniado Hospital in Natanya, he relied and consulted exclusively with Mizrach Poiskim, as many were very knowledgeable with using electricity on Shabbos. He satayed away from any Chazon Ish Psaks vis a vis Shabbos.

Liska Chabad Adams Turkey under scrutiny said...

Liska Ezra Friedlander Group works together with Chabad (Shemtov & Chitrik) to promote Turkey:


Now NYC Mayor Eric Adams is under investigation with regard to Turkey-Turkiye:


(see video, toward end)

When will these Hasidics stop messing around in politics when they don't know what it is going on and get taken for a ride? Or do they not care, as long as they get some $? Well, if the FBI is involved, they better watch out and not engage in any monkey business.

Dusiznies said...

You just commented but I deleted it, because you are a "Shoita" and a Shoita "asur le'reichim alav"
also you called the Chazon Ish a baal Loshon Hara'nick
so go to hell and when you are there say hello to your Hamas friends