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Monday, November 6, 2023

Hisachdis Haganavim Issue Fatwa Against Ami, Mishpacha and Bina Magazines


They only want you to read Der Goy and Der Blatt'eh news straight from either Al Jazzirah or Hamas!

As much as Ami's Frankfurter was "chanfining" Satmar, it didn't work, it's like appeasing Hamas! 


Anonymous said...

While the rest of Klal Yisroel is coming together in a show of Achdus these last 30 days you continue to spew your regular hatred. Have pity on our brothers and sisters on the battlefield who need us to love one another

Frum but normaL said...

A bunch of filthy criminaly insane Jew hating Romanian gypsies, who have the morals and brains of rabies infected sewer rats.