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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Gazan Arab lady Whose Son was killed Yells " “It’s all because of the dogs of Hamas,” and Watch Her being Shut Down


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Omer Bartov can be credited to be the first to come up with the G slur at the Oct 7 war. Which explains why longtine Israelophobe C. Amanpour promoted his rhetoric on Nov 15, 2023, and she anxiously asked him when the G word can already/finally be applied. That was long before Gaza's 'dead baby strategy' human-shields en-masse Hamas Jihadofascist regime sent it's allies in South African government to file at ICJ.


On July 25, 2014 racist Francesca Albanese (who recycled antisemitic tropes in 2014 [TOI, 14.12.22; UNWatch, 6.2.23], her husband worked for Palestinian Authority [UNWatch, 29.3.22] and in 2023 had justified Arab Palestinian Oct 7 atrocities [NRO, 12.2.24]), uttered the PallyWeid G slur, by pushing dishonest sloppy "historian" [Benny Morris, 17.3 11] and inventor of fake quotes [Dexter Van Zille 24.2.12] and bigot [ADL, 14.5.07] Ilan Pappe's garbage.