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Saturday, November 18, 2023

‘Doxxing Truck’ creator says he will tail antisemitic students for years even after they graduate "there is no statute of limitations for antisemitism"

The creator of the so-called “doxxing truck” chasing allegedly antisemitic students from Harvard to Hunter College says his effort will continue indefinitely.

“We don’t think that your antisemitic record should die when you graduate,” said Adam Guillette, president of Accuracy in Media, a nonprofit that has been sponsoring the effort. “I think it’s incredibly important to make an example of these people.”

Guillette has become a bête noire of campus bigots after plastering the names and faces of roughly 150 students who have engaged in college antisemitism on video screens attached to large trucks parked outside their campuses.

Despite its popular moniker, the trucks are not actually doxxing anyone.

Guillette notes he’s not putting out sensitive personal information such as addresses or phone numbers on the targeted students.

Guillette said a “possibility we’re considering” is sending trucks to the employers who hire the students in the years to come.

“There’s no statute of limitations on racism and antisemitism,” he said dryly.

Guillette attributed rising antisemitism among young people to Diversity Equity and Inclusion bureaucracies which have permeated education and cultural institutions in the last decade.

“It’s directly related to the massive increase in the emphasis of DEI in K-through-12 education,” he said.

Guillette, 42, a longtime conservative activist in Florida said the trucks didn’t start with college activists — they were first deployed in 2021 with messages protesting former Gov. Cuomo’s Emmy award, which he was later stripped of.

“Cuomo lied, thousands died, revoke his Emmy now,” the truck blared.

The pushback, however, has been fierce. During a ride along with a doxxing truck outside Hunter College — which staged an anti-Israel rally on Tuesday — The Post saw students hurling insults and flipping off the vehicle.

Others took photographs of the truck’s license plate.

Most wore masks in an effort to shield their identity.

Guillette is also being sued by a Columbia student who says his appearance on the “doxxing truck” has caused “pain and suffering, emotional distress and mental anguish.”

“We never defame anybody, we always act entirely within the law and always will,” Guillette said.

Sometimes the response is physical.

“I got spray painted at Harvard,” he recalled. One agitator threw a brick at a truck.

He and the trucks now have their own security detail.

In less than a month, Guillette said pranksters had called his local police eight times to post false tips triggering a SWAT team response.

The practice, known as swatting, is illegal.

“They sent a half a dozen heavily armed officers to my home who then storm inside. And if you’re home at the time, and if you’re not expecting such a thing, and if you leave your property, you might get shot and killed. It’s attempted murder,” Guillette said.

The right-wing provocateur said he’s now on joking terms with his local police dispatcher.

“They claimed that there was a hostage situation at our home. And I immediately told the dispatcher, ‘Don’t pay the ransom,’ and she laughed.”

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