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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Biden Admin. demands clarifications from Netanyahu on Gaza comments


Biden Administration officials have contacted senior Israeli officials demanding clarifications on the speech given by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last night in which he stated that "We will continue to control security in the Gaza Strip for as long as it takes to prevent terrorism."

According to the report, the administration is attempting to understand what Netanyahu means when he says Israeli security control, what form that control will take, and how it will affect the situation in Gaza the day after the war, Kan Reshet Bet reported.

The Biden Administration has publicly opposed an Israeli "reoccupation" of Gaza following the war against Hamas. Last week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: "It's also clear that Israel cannot occupy Gaza."

The Administration's favored candidate to rule Gaza after Hamas is deposed is the Palestinian Authority.

Israel completely withdrew from Gaza, expelling nearly 10,000 Jewish citizens, in 2005. Hamas won the parliamentary elections in Gaza in 2006 and then seized power in a violent revolt against the Palestinian Authority and has ruled Gaza ever since.

The Palestinian Authority continues to rule in Arab area of Judea and Samaria thanks to Israeli and foreign support. PA chairman Mahmoud Mahmoud Abbas is very unpopular due to widespread corruption in the PA and has not held elections in well over a decade. Polls show that a majority of Palestinian Arabs want him to resign.

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