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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Terrible News: Saudi Arabia Shifting Toward Iran


President Joe Biden seems yet again to be losing momentum globally.

Former President Donald Trump’s efforts with the Abraham Accords to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel have seemingly come to an end.

“Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman took his first phone call from Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi as Riyadh tries to prevent a broader surge in violence across the region,” reported Reuters just last week.

Bin Salman told the Iranian President that “the kingdom is exerting maximum effort to engage with all international and regional parties to halt the ongoing escalation.”

The call between the two leaders was reportedly “good and promising.”

The Saudi government went on to state that it stands in “opposition to any form of civilian targeting and the loss of innocent lives” and holds an “unwavering stance in standing up for the Palestinian cause.”

“The Saudis are still convinced the region, and Saudi Arabia itself, needs to shift toward regional cooperation and economic development.

Iran seems to think the priority is to take the fight to the Israelis first,” stated the Iran Program at the Middle East Institute’s Alex Vatanka.

Many have pointed to President Joe Biden’s growing reputation of weakness and ignorance as one of the reasons Middle Eastern relations seem to be dissolving rapidly.

1 comment:

Cohen Y said...

They bend to muscular unapologetic brash total determined dedication

Israel is blowing it now by the moment

Stop with the positioning international strawmen (typical though that is)