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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss The Miserable Dog "We Cry for Palestinians"

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Which Yeshivah are his grandchildren, his  mamzeirim, enrolled? How does this animal daven in a shul without being thrown out?

BTW if you listen to him, his entire diatribe is word for word out of the Va'Yoel Moshe. He even says that Rabbi Teitelbaum (R' Yoel Teitelbaum) is his "Chief Rabbi."

 Even though Satmar said that they distance themselves from the NK, listen and you will not see a difference. 

The liar tells the Arab Muslim lady, who he cannot take his cursed lustful eyes off, that "we lived in harmony together in peace" This is a total lie, maybe one or two Jewish families lived good with their neighbors, but Arabs killed Jews going back to the times of the Rambam. This is a page write out of Satmar propaganda . 


Anonymous said...

Why are you calling him rabbi? Rabid dog? Rodef? All more appropriate

Anonymous said...

He should explain what the millions of Jews in Israel should do to solve this problem.