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Friday, October 13, 2023

Not a Single Arab Country Has Offered to Accept Gaza Palesinians

 It's noteworthy that not a single Arab country has offered to accept Gaza Palestinians.  Not one.  

And they are silent about Egypt keeping closed the main passageway for the Gaza Palestinians to leave Gaza, because Egypt doesn't want Gaza Palestinians coming into their country.

  Want more?  

Hamas Nazi leadership in Qatar has not asked Qatar, or any Arab country, take any Gaza Palestinians.  Nor have Qatar or the Hamas Nazi leadership asked Egypt to stop blocking Gaza Palestinians from leaving Gaza.  Of course, the Egyptians could house hundreds of thousands of Gaza Palestinians in the Sinai Peninsula.  And no doubt the international community would assist with temporary housing, food, etc.  But this would mean that the Arab world actually wants to help Gaza Palestinians rather than use their propaganda machine to attempt to turn Israelis into oppressors.

It's also noteworthy that the American and European media don't ask the Biden regime or the other leaders of countries around the world about any of this; they don't even report it.  Yet, because the Arabs will not provide refuge to the Gaza Palestinians, and because the Qatar-funded and Iran-funded Hamas wages war against Israel, and Israel must now lose Lord knows how many soldiers in urban warfare in Gaza, the media will report numbers, Israel will be told its response to the Hamas Nazis should be "proportionate," and Blinken will continue to lecture Israel about rules of war when fighting terrorists who -- by the way -- are an exception to rules of war.

1 comment:

Falafel Akbar said...

Continued tefillos & learning are more important than you realize


Jane's Defense Intelligence warns that while Israel may be able to barely handle dual fronts against Hamas & Hezbollah, there is fear of West Bank Arabs acting up to take advantage of the chaos. Such a scenario of 3 fronts at once chalilah would require intervention by US troops. There is also fear of a 4th front from Iranian militias in Syria.

Elsewhere, US House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul is warning that the Taliban is itching to join the attack on Israel and it's possible Iran could attempt to facilitate their passage to Lebanon or Syria. Newsweek has earlier reported that US weaponry abandoned by Biden in Afghanistan was provided by the Taliban to Hamas.