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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Miriam Ezagui Frum Lady Has 500 Thousand Followers on Face Book .. Wants to get to know her "Muslim Cousins" And "does not support the IDF" Calls it "genicide


She thinks that the IDF is committing genocide! Sick indeed! Sick and perverted! 
I wonder if her daughter would G-d forbid be a hostage whether she would want to still learn about the Muslim Culture. 
Let's ship her to Gaza or Ramallah  where she can learn more about her "Muslim cousins" 

She should be listening to the video below of a daughter whose parents were murdered by Ezagui's cousins


Joe Magdeburger said...

This Ezagui woman is unspeakably cruel to those who were raped, tortured and slaughtered. If she looked at my wine I would pour it out.

anonymous said...

"I'm going to take some time away and learn about my Muslim cousins...".
Yes, please do that, you have a lot to learn!

Anonymous said...

Left wing dreamer who is so open minded her brains fell out. She just really cannot comprehend that some people are absolutely evil. After families being doused with petrol and burnt alive toy would think she understands. My Facebook is suggesting many, many threads with 10,000 comments and 30,000 likes of "I hope your children die of cancer" and "we will finish what Hitler started". Have a look yourself.

LES AYM said...

She must've removed it?
I dont see it on her page?

jack said...

One of these days,this traitorous filthy witch will have one of her own children decapitaded by one of these filthy Hamas sewer rats,
maybe then she will sing a different tune

Anonymous said...

Check her yichus, she might be a sister, not a cousin

Anonymous said...

Listen from 4.00 and on another woke meshugeneh we shouldn't condemn the terrorists. https://youtu.be/-YJ-8vHvYRA?si=eXnhI5NY3wMES1lB

Anonymous said...

Listen from 4.00 https://youtu.be/-YJ-8vHvYRA?si=eXnhI5NY3wMES1lB crazeeeee

Anonymous said...

I'm sure her cousins would love to rape her. Just go into Gaza you fool

Anonymous said...

Her comments are truly disgusting.
She doesn't agree with the Israeli government? Where would she be without Israel and the Israeli government? Based on our sorry history, every Jew, whether living in Israel or chutz l'Aretz would be in a much more precarious situation without the State of Israel to protect us. She owes her own security and safety - wherever she is - to the State of Israel.
She doesn't support genocide?? Is she implying that Israel does and is carrying out a genocide now in Gaza? Because that's as sure as hell what she seems to be saying. She now just sounds like any pro-Hamas or Neturei Karta supporter now.
(Incidentally, 'genocide' has a very narrow, legal meaning: specifically persecuting a group of people because of their ethnicity / religion. That is not the case in Gaza, not now and not ever.)
It's sad that these Jewish 'influencers' have any connection to us and our children. She is obviously only interested in holding onto her followers (and the revenue that that generates), and she will say whatever she has to, even if it means selling out her own people. Too bad for her - she probably now lost all her Muslim AND Jewish followers! Get lost Miriam Ezagui.

Fress some Couscous said...

Aren't the Ezaguis Morrocans vos halten zich Chabadskers?

Anonymous said...

She can start with this article:
The whole concept of a “Palestinian people” is a political strategy invented to try to destroy Israel, c"v.

smart ass said...

she's is a known opportunist. a RN everything is for sale with her.

FYI said...

She is a big Chusid of the Lubavitcher Rebbeh shliteh, see url below.


Anonymous said...

"Palestine has absolutely no relevance to the "Palestine" the Hamas terrorists want you to think they own. Name any King of "Palestine".
It was invented in 1964. Google it yourself.


Anonymous said...

She did a terrible thing! She can't be trusted now. She's trying to take it back now. Never trust her!!!

Didan Notzach? said...

Besides that the Rebbe held to be very tough on the Arab savages, she has no sense of tznius & is a total moron.