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Monday, October 16, 2023

Listen to this Brave Chayelet!



LES AYM said...

Hmmm, didn't like what she said, .....she's putting me to shame!
Actually very impressive.

yidlmitnfidl said...

Thank you.
What a powerful message!

Anonymous said...

Kol Hakavod

Anonymous said...

(Though various media has been in overdrive pretending the opposite,)
the female & mixed units collapsed
by & large last week along the Gaza border

Dusiznies said...

I am not an advocate of mixed units.
Having said that, your premise that "mixed units collapsed" is actually a lie perpetrated by the chareidim.

At the Gaza Gate, Hamas sent drones to the towers which dropped bombs on the soldiers from above, the drones didn't distinguish between men and women, and even if they were all men they would have all been killed.

I had posted a story about a Chayelet that heard a commotion and ran out with her rifle in PJs and tried warning her commanders who were already dead, she was able to wake up another Chayelet and they were able to eliminate over 25 terrorists and thereby saved that entire kibbutz.
Most of the dead were actually civilians, soldiers that were murdered were about 25 according to the latest count.
This entire episode does not prove in any way that "mixed units" exacerbated the tragedy. Stop spreading idiotic BS that can be proven wrong simply by doing a google search!