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Monday, October 16, 2023

Hamas Supporters Dress Up as Chassidim and Protest in Monsey



Anonymous said...

Such moronic stupidity. Their leader says stand here and say this as they do. It's easy to say we stand with Hamas or we don't believe in Israel etc, but what do they think will happen if Hamas and Hezbollah win r"l? They don't mind 12 million Jews being tortured to death. Idiots.

Sabra65 said...

may they all die a slow and very painful death. Yemach Shemam VeZichrom.
They need to have their payos and beards ripped off their faces. despicable.

Anonymous said...

They have a din of rodfim, as our poskim clearly stated...vchol hakodem, zocho

Anonymous said...

ימח שמם וזכרם