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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Frum News Blogs Are Antagonizing Chilonim With Their Disgusting War Reports


The article below was posted by VIN, but VIN isn't the only Frum News Site to write about the fact that two Moshavim that keep Shabbos and kept their gates locked were not harmed. 

Entire Jewish families were butchered like cows, our boys and girls in uniform were mowed down like dominos, yet frum people gleefully write about the two moshavim that were not B"H harmed. 
I copied and pasted some of the sane comments on the VIN News Site!  

aaron menche
 7 hours ago

whether you believe these people were saved due to their keeping of shabbat or not, can you not see how inappropriate and insensitive this article is. This is still unfolding. The war hasn’t started yet. Many people will die whether they keep shabbat or not. for those of us living through this, try to be a bit more sensitive

 9 hours ago

And what will you say about the 45 frums who died in Meiron, what was their sin? Any star gazer please? Any “Meivin” in Hashem’s ways?
Stop judging Tinokos Shenishbu, their “mistakes” are Shogegin and less.
They have a tremendous Zechus for choosing to live in the border and block the enemy with their presence. They died Al kidush Hashem.
Dislike my post all you want, these yidden are the best, if not them, Hamas would have attacked Bnei Brak r”l

 7 hours ago

Lets not divide up Jews this way. It’s great these people were safe and it would be wonderful if everyone kept Shabbos but the dead have people who loved them and don’t need to hear that someone thinks their loved ones died because they didn’t keep Shabbos, whether true or not.

 9 hours ago

Is this article for real?? we are dealing with Yidden being slaughtered. Holy neshamos being killed. Whether they are shomer shabbos or not they are yidden and they have holy neshamos. Are you seriously reporting that the kibbutz who kept shabbos have been saved?! are you implying that the reason these neshamos have been murdered was because they were not neccessarily shomer shabbos. This is such an unsophisticated article and to see these comments about how beautiful it is, is just nauseating. Now is not the time to get frum.

 (VINnews) — 21 communities were overrun by Hamas during its barbaric attacks on Israel on Simchas Torah. In each of these communities there were unfortunately casualties, some of them suffering very heavy casualties. However there were two communities which remarkably remained unconquered by Hamas, as their gate was shut for Shabbos and the terrorists simply couldn’t get in.

In an amazing video clip, apparently from one of the Hamas terrorists who was later killed or captured, the terrorists can be seen arriving at the gate of Kibbutz Saad, a religious kibbutz which close its gates on Shabbat.

Arriving on their motorcycles, the terrorists first tried to find a way to climb into the community but then realized that they would be exposed and eliminated. After shots were fired they ran away. This occurred in Kibbutz Saad. In Kibbutz Alumim the terrorists fired at the local forces which consisted of a platoon of civilian defenders and  soldiers. Once again the gate proved invaluable and the defenders were able time and again to fend off the attacks by tens of Hamas terrorists and to save their kibbutz.


Anonymous said...

Antagonizing the non - religious???
It’s a chizuk for shmiros Shabbat- that’s it. Nice story of light within the darkness. If there was a story of someone saved because they went out to help a friend , would you have the same obligation?

You are antagonizing the Frum! SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU! Disgracefully being negative and divisive at such a time.

תתביש לך !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hitler didn't care, they were all equally naked in the gas chambers, and Hamas don't care either as long as you are Jewish.

Anonymous said...

Heh,Soros ,Kastner.Exceptions Were made

Besides, the Karaites were excluded

Anonymous said...

Elimination of terrorists is little better than whack -a-mole or body count Vietnam

They have to permanently alter the region for this to be anything other than a Hamas win.
In short, a significant part of the pop. must be expelled.
Put them on freighters & drop them off in Africa
Parachute in food to the "poor" refugees

The IDF must regain its old personal "Acharai"
That implies breaking from the Bagatz instructed following contrived enlightened rules
& feminized wokeism that has been taking over

Anonymous said...

U are right if this would be written only between shomrei shabbat people But Not as an article that is open to non sh. sh. at this sensitive time. Especially when many of them are risking their lives now for All