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Sunday, October 8, 2023

Democrats cheer murder and kidnapping of Israelis at hands of Hamas terrorists


Hamas terrorists fired rockets into towns, shot at civilians from paragliders, and kidnapped women and children from their homes. Grandmothers at gunpoint, loaded onto golf carts, to be held hostage or killed by twisted, depraved thugs — supported by soulless New York City progressives.

Yes, in Times Square on Sunday, the Democratic Socialists of America will host an “All Out for Palestine” rally. Wear a mask so you’re not recognized, the organizers say. Best to just let the swastikas do the talking. 

“Never mind the hundreds of Israeli civilians and children who have been murdered, wounded, abducted, and terrorized. Their lives mean nothing to the DSA. Nothing,” Congressman Ritchie Torres rightly wrote Saturday. “The NYC-DSA is revealing itself for what it truly is: an antisemitic stain on the soul of America’s largest city.”

The DSA is the party of Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Rashida Talib — and oh yes, New York’s very own Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jamaal “Fire Alarm” Bowman. They are quick to lecture about “extremism” in America. What do they say about this?

Well, already Omar has called for a “descalation and ceasefire,” meaning that Israel should just accept that 300 — and likely more — of their people were brutally murdered. War crimes should be accepted, because hey, they’re Palestinians.

“Such senseless violence will only repeat the back and forth cycle we’ve seen, which we cannot allow to continue,” Omar wrote.

But this ISN’T a “cycle” of violence. This is one group of people — Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah — intent on Israel’s destruction.

Israel would like nothing more than to live peacefully within its borders, to see Gaza and the West Bank flourish as neighbors. But the Palestinians, stirred up by propaganda, hate and money from Iran, can never accept that.

Consider what this unlawful invasion was in response to: a historic detente between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The “peace” the Squad claims to want. 

The attack “sends a message to the Arab and Islamic world, and the international community as a whole, especially those seeking normalization with this enemy, that the Palestinian cause is an everlasting one, alive until victory and liberation,” said Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“Normalization” is their enemy. Anything that stops them from turning Palestinian children into killers, and Israelis into their targets.

The Biden administration is bending over backward to reward Iran in hopes that it returns to a toothless nuclear treaty. A country that foments terror across the region, and fuels this destruction.

This is a clarifying moment for America, which needs to stand as Israel’s unwavering ally. These are monsters, and the people who support them are despicable. To President Biden: Stop playing footsie with the Ayatollah and stand up against Iran’s warmongering. To Democrats: Denounce the representatives giving aid and comfort to murderers and kidnappers.

And to New Yorkers: Come to Times Square on Sunday at 1 p.m. Hold up Israeli flags. Shout down the DSA. Show that hate will not be tolerated.  


Anonymous said...

Well said, thank you. Say a lie enough times and the world is swallowing it completely. In Australia in the Muslim areas there were fireworks and celebrations work taunting photos and videos of depravity.


Anonymous said...

The photos and videos of murdered Israelis were removed.

Garnel Ironheart said...

This will backfire for the so-called Palestinians. The Arab states that don't care about hating Israel anymore and want to prosper from relations with it are sick of them showing up and saying "You have to force them to surrender to us first!" They want them to go away. MBS isn't thinking "I must stand with my Palestinian brothers against Israel" this morning. He's thinking "Those stupid bastards will ruin everything. I hope Israel finishes them off!"

Kapo Konvention said...

The top Pentagon analyst on Arabs who just retired after 28 years, Harold Rhodes, tells Ami that Joe Biden was at one point an oihev Yisroel. So what changed him to a soineh Yisroel? Hashpoah raah from Obama & the Progressives. He says this one anecdote tells you everything you need to know about Obama: he knows a classmate of Obama's at Harvard Law. When she asked Obama why is he bringing anti-Semites to spew hatred on campus like Jesse Jerkson & Louis Farrakhan ymach shmom. Obama cursed her & shouted "you White Jews won't tell us what to do!"

Biden & all of his gabbaim including the Kapos Secretary of State Blinken & Deputy National Security Advisor Finer are denying the Wall St Journal report that Iran plotted the entire attack in secret meetings with Hamas. Likely Iranian drones are taking out IDF Merkava tanks. Retired US Marines Intelligence official Lt. Col. Steve Ganyard tells ABC that drones destroyed the surveillance devices on the Gaza border fence.

A captured Hamas terrorist says the self-hating Leftists provided chizuk to launch the attack.


He's referring to Ehud Barak's billionaire buddies. Some of the Leftists have actually been justifying the Hamas subhuman atrocities over the past days

Barack Hussein Osama said...


This is fort being too good to the Yidden so I will have to come down hard on my hoiz bucher Sleepy Joe

Borscht Fresser said...

It was poshut that Ukrainian Intelligence would blame the Russians for joining with Iran to coach the Hamas attack. But others are also fingering Putin.


Retired British Intelligence & UK Army official Col. Richard Kemp


The Chairman of Estonian National Defense


The Heinrich Boll think tank in Berlin because no Hamas ally besides Russia has the know how to take out battle tanks with ordinance from drones

Ais Tzorah said...


Arab Courage said...


Anonymous said...

Did the terrorists fire anything at Beit Shemesh?

Anonymous said...

Times Now India: Indian Intelligence suspects China also joined with Russia & Iran to enable the Hamas attack. Where did Hamas get the mechanized paragliders from with motorized vehicles attached? Where did Hamas get missile technology from that evades the Iron Dome defense system? China also has an incentive to obstruct the Abraham Accords because India is poised to do tremendous trade with Israel & the Gulf States that cuts China out of the picture. Former Speaker McCarthy may have been hinting to this yesterday when he kept harping about the Axis of Evil enabling Hamas who are Iran, Russia & China.