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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Danielle Waldman daughter of Eyal Who did everything to help Gazans, Murdered by Hamas

 Eyal Waldman, Israeli high-tech tycoon, founder and CEO of Mellanox Technologies, stunned the tech industry and the whole Arab world by creating R&D centers five years ago, first in Judea & Samaria and then two years ago in the Gaza sector, hiring hundreds of Arab developers.

He said then: "Today we have 25 employees in Gaza. There are talented and smart people out there, economically it pays off. We have good staff, within one hour zone, with high motivation, availability and opportunities. And I think it's very important for the two nations to come together. People used to be afraid of each other and didn't talk. But the positive thing is created when people begin to work together and see how tensions decrease and cooperation work. This is good for all sides."

And on October 7, 2023, Hamas killed his daughter Danielle. It happened near Kibbutz Reim, less than a mile from where her father opened the most innovative factory in Gaza.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These transient Gaza workers turned out to have included a whole spy-network.
No wonder they knew where his daughter was hiding out.
Do you think he'll change his mind?
No chance, a Narr bleibt a Narr.