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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Amb. Gilad Erdan to UN's Tor Wennesland: 'Don’t forget to wash your hands of the blood of Israeli children!'


Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan issued a sharp and direct message to the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland, who met Saturday in Lebanon with Iran’s Foreign Minister and was photographed shaking his hand.

"The UN envoy met, during a bloody war, with those who financed the killing of our children and said nothing! No condemnation!" Ambassador Erdan said. "I call on Wennesland to wash the blood of Israeli babies from his hands after shaking hands with the Iranian Foreign Minister, who represents a regime which has the blood of the babies, women, and families murdered by Hamas on its hands."

"The rules have changed! We will not continue accepting the legitimacy that the UN gives to the Nazi regime of Iran which openly calls for the destruction of Israel.

"I am officially announcing the severance of my ties with Wennesland until he publicly condemns the Iranian regime of murder and terrorism."

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