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Monday, July 3, 2023

Pregnant Chareidie Lady Mother of 12 Smuggles into Israel 400,000 Shekels worth of Cancer Sticks


 A chareidi couple from Antwerp attempted to pass through the green route at the Ben Gurion airport customs checkpoint but were brought back for suitcase checking, which revealed that they were carrying 868 packets of imported cigarettes and 1,430 packets of tobacco, worth a total of 400,000 NIS. The taxes on these items amount to 250,000 NIS.

The couple, parents of 12 children and expecting another child, were arrested and released on bail. The customs authorities stated that the couple’s suitcases did  not have ID tags as required in order to try and dupe the customs workers.

The Rishon Letzion Magistrates court set bail at 50,000 NIS for each of the couple, as well as a third party guarantee of 50,000 NIS and a 20,000 NIS deposit for each of the suspects. The couple’s lawter claimed that they are foreign residents who come once or twice a month to visit relatives and have a large family to maintain in Belgium. Judge Gil Gabbai issued  a restraining order preventing them from leaving the country until Sunday, 9th of July.


Anonymous said...

"Gd told me to have 20 kids, expensive weddings, but not work, so it's not my fault."

Anonymous said...

What does the story have to do with being Hareidi? A couple tried making money and were not successful.

Anonymous said...

What? "What does the story have to do with being Hareidi?"
Are you kidding me?
It has everything to do with being "Hareidi"
Don't they learn Torah?
So now we compare Torah Jews to criminals?
How low have we sunk?
What does the story have to do with being Hareidi?"

Anonymous said...

There are hiloni criminals, mizrahi criminals, dati leumi criminals, and haredi criminals...who cares? There are also good people in the different streams of Israeli and jewish society too, it's what you focus on.

Anyone know? said...

Which Hasidic sect do these "big tzadiks" belong to?