Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Rabbi Begging Jews To Go Up on the Har Habyit on Tisha Be'Ov

 The Gemarrah states that the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash took place on the 7th day of Av. 

The Gemarrah asks, "but we know that the Bais Hamikdash was destroyed on the 10th of Av?"

So which is it? The 7th or the 10th?

The Gemarrah answers that the goyim entered the Har Habayis on the 7th. 

The Gemarrah is stating something very dramatic! 

That Goyim occupying the Har Habyis is a "churban" in itself, its as if they physically destroyed it! 


Anonymous said...

He is a lunatic. 99percemt say it's aveira he says it's a huge mitsva... Let's make a fund for him. He is a brother and needs our help.
Meds and therapy are not cheap.

Brisker Tuchis Payis said...

On the eve of Tisha Be'Ov this guy calls another Yid, a "lunatic."

Well, just that you know, this "lunatic" is a mechaber of 15 Sefarim on the Bais Hamikdash, some of which are used by many Kollilim throughout Israel. This "lunatic" is also a Rosh Kollel in Yerushalayim, in the old city.
As far ar "99 % say its aveirah" well if we go with the majority we should all convert to be Hindus, Moslems or Christians as they are 99% of the world's population.
We don't have a Sanhedrin today, so we don't go with the majority, each Jew goes along with his own Rebbe or Poisek, this Rav has his rebbes that encourage it. Most of Belz goes up too. Before you open your stupid trap, think!