Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Gerer Bullies Prevent 3-4 year-olds from Entering Elevator because they belong to R' Shaul Alter's Kehilla

Guys it's sick, and getting sicker out there every day. By them the Rebbe is God and therefore it is a mitzva to harass  toddlers in the three weeks! I think worshipping Rebbes should be banned! 



Anonymous said...

Definition of cult. Not to mention disgusting behavior. Not to mention sinas chinam. Not to mention 3 weeks or 9 days, if applicable.

Garnel Ironheart said...

I think you have to remember where Chasidus came from.
The Litvish were the intellectual cream. They valued learning but spurned the simple people who couldn't keep up. The Besht came along and gave the simple people a place in Judaism with Chasidism.
But that's the point - these were simple people.
There's an old question - why did Elvis Presley behave the way he did - sexual promiscuity, shooting a television when he didn't like what was on, the Jungle Room? He was rich. He was a celebrity. Why did he act like that?
Because he was trailer trash and he behaved like trailer trash does when handed an unlimited budget.
It's the same with the Chasidim - they are the rough peasants and you can dress them up and teach them nigunim but at the end of the day, they are primitive peasants and that's why they behave like this.

Anonymous said...

This is a racist comment
and generalises people ,
without giving proper benefit.
Hasidic Leaders, were Great
Influencers , in conjunction
with Tora Knowledge,and
A feeling for people, that
was lacking by the Litvishe.
Think of the RIM , CANZ,
and others

kalmanheller@gmail.com said...

I guess You never studied the works of the gedolei chasidus be it the Baal Hatanye the Chidushei Harim Avnei Nazer Divrei Chaim sifrei Reb Tsadok Sfas Emes to mention a few the list goes on and on. All of the above and more were geonim batorah and very deep thinkers. I once heard from a talmid of Rabbi Soloveichik from YU that since he was introduced to The Safer Hatanya new horizons opend for him.The debths and the beuty of the concepts that chasidus and their rabeim introduced to us is beyond amazing. Even Reb Shaulk Alter himself is a chasid and one of the bigest geonim of our generation. The most prominent gedolim in the Yeshiva world keep quoting concepts from the sefrei chasidus all the time. The words that you write here come from simple ignorance, no knowlege at all about chasidus. What is being done to the followers of harav Shaul Alter is a catastrophy and that none of the gedolim are standing up to stop it is may be an even bigger catastophy as mentiond in Chaza"l by the story of Kamtsa and Bar Kamtsa. The story that Chaza"l bring about Kamtsa and Bar Kamtsa is nothing in comparison to what the chasidim of ger are doing to the followers of Reb Shaul Alter and the churben that can come of this who knows hasem yerachem.

Akiva Eiger Jr. said...

No one is questioning the Gadlus of these rebbes, what we are all questioning is their followers worshipping them!

They were not infallible and some of those who you mentioned fought with each other. When I say "fought" I'm talking Chassidim of one rebbe physically fighting with the chassidim of another. .
Pre WW2 Satmar fought with Spinka, fought with the Borsha Rebbe, fought with his own brother. Ger fought with Alexander etc. After the War, Satmar fought with his own nephew the Kloizinberger Rebbe and chased him out of Williamsburg, tortured R' Hershe Spinkar, fought with Chabad, Recently there are violent civil wars in Satmar, Bobov, Sadigere, Ger and they all mock Chabad.
This all comes from worshipping their Rebbes!

Anonymous said...

Youknow a little and write Alot. Your statement half true half not.

Anonymous said...

"What is being done to the followers of harav Shaul Alter is a catastrophy and that none of the gedolim are standing up to stop it is may be an even bigger catastophy as mentiond in Chaza"l by the story of Kamtsa and Bar Kamtsa"

Not true that no one stood up

R' Yeruchim Olshin was publicly moicheh against the Gerrorists

Anonymous said...

what are these innocent children shuldig???they are clueless and the bigger boys are disgusting bullies. feh