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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Woman who is sexually attracted to planes wants to marry toy Boeing



anonymous said...

Thank you DIN for sharing this important story with us.

Anonymous said...

Why is this newsworthy?

Anonymous said...

DIN, I'm happy to learn about corruption and stuff that effects is. If someone wants to marry a tree or plane and it doesn't effect us, there is no mass to post it. Lots of people are homophobic and make fun of people (not saying which of us is) but when they have a family member who is gay etc, they have a choice of supporting them or making fun of them and throwing them out of the house and in all probability them killing themselves. Being gay etc is not a mental problem, and loving inanimate objects is a thing too.

Dusiznies said...

על ראשון ראשון ועל אחרון אחרון
I'll deal first with
4:26 & 6:00
It's actually not "newsworthy" and I'm sharing this because I find that I have to lighten up the situation sometimes ... and so I post stuff that I find amusing

I don't know if you know me but if you did you have known that I was many years in the "mental health business" I am no expert but I can tell you that this "transgender" business that is multiplying like rabbits is definitely a "mental health" issue. No family should go thru this and I know many families that are suffering because their children have now suddenly decided that they are "non-binary" etc.

The problem is that the media is encouraging this new "woke" culture
and instead of telling them to get help they are telling them by posting these stories that this is now normal. They are saying that it's normal for a guy with a penis to enter a ladies bathroom and that it's ok to compete against women in sports.
The recent story of a man with a penis who when competing against other men came in 425 in a swimming competition and came in twice #1 against women and was allowed to compete because he identifies as a women, is sick.
Either he is a fraud and a liar or he needs serious help and should be prohibited in competition against women.
Last week a 6 foot guy who identifies as a woman that was placed in a ladies jail brutally raped two woman in his cell.

This girl that fell in love with an airplane is reflection of our crazed society where instead of hospitalizing them, the media tries to normalize these depraved people.
That's why I'm posting this to tell you that this will seep into our culture as well.
ה' ירחם

Joe Magdeburger said...

That tranny in the jail should be sent to Dr. Lopitoffsky and allowed to bleed out.