Monday, June 27, 2022

This Video is for the "Moshe Boylans" who are against a "Yom Hashoah" Day

On May 23, I called out Moshe Boylan who wrote a letter to the editor to the FJJ (Flatbush Jewish Journal)  explaining why the FJJ wouldn't mention "Yom Hashoah" in the FJJ  a weekly newspaper that caters to the Chareidie community of Flatbush. 

Moshe Boylan, who I'm told is a Yankee, whose father and grandfathers lived comfortably in the USA while their brothers and sisters were being tortured to death, explained, that the "Olam HaTorah and Yahadus HaChareidis " a term that he totally made up, were dead set against it! 

He babbled that the rebbis of the editor of the FJJ were consulted and they issued a fatwa that Yom Ha'Shoa, Yom Ha'zikoren and Yom Hatzmoet,  three events celebrated by millions of Jews does not even deserve an honorable mention. I will mention honorably that all these rabbis of the editor who issued this ruling, were all born in the USA except one who arrived with his entire family in 1938. 

I am not going to go into that now, as I wrote about this at length 3 weeks ago, I invite Moshe Boylan and his "Olam HaTorah and Yahadus HaChareidis " and the rest of his naive and ignorant followers to view the documentary below. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The problem is that the Orthodox community had a chance to make a Holocaust Day that wouldn't have the problems Yom HaShoah does with timing and they walked away from the opportunity. So just like they had a chance to help start the Zionist movement, walked away and then complained when the seculars succeeded, so too they had a chance here (it was going to be Teves 10), walked away and then complained when the seculars did it.