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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

IBM, Which Helped Exterminate Jews in the Third Reich, Celebrates LGBT Genital Mutilation of Children


Just like pretty much every other Western multinational corporation in existence, IBM is celebrating Pride and everything it represents, including the transgender mutilation and pharmaceutical drugging of children.

In a June 1 tweet, IBM announced that “We have #Pride in what defines us.” The technology corporation added that it “stands by those living boldly in the LGBTQ+ community.”

“Join us during Pride Month as we highlight the LGBTQ+ perspectives that define IBM,” the company added proudly.

These “perspectives” of course include putting pre-pubescent children on hormone-blockers while surgically altering, removing and/or replacing their natural genitalia for “gender affirming” purposes.


Anonymous said...

A bris is genital mutilation too

Anonymous said...

Your Bris should have been performed at the other side of your body,(on your head) it's just too bad your mother didn't abort you.
you are nothing but a filthy rabies infected sewer rat.

Zako said...

To Anonymous 1:24 AM

A "mutilation" ? Really ? So why do so many millions of Christians and surgeons and doctors all around the world also do a Bris ?

Anonymous said...

Hey DIN, this comment is cool with you?

Anonymous said...

It's so clear how frum jews spew such hatred at anyone who dares to disagree with them. And then yall wonder why anti semitism exists

Anonymous said...

Whoops you missed a comment there din