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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Ger Doing Massive PR as Cover for their Pogroms on their fellow Gerer Chassidim

The Ger Pogromists are busy promoting their "Shas Bechina" on all Frum blogs such as Yeshivah World and Vosisneis etc. 

Gedoilim and other Rebbes such as the Stoliner and Viznitzer Rebbes called out the Gerer Terrorists and condemned them! 

The Pogrom Askanim quickly hired "PR Askanim" to cover for their brutality and chillul shabbos, and flooded the frum media with this event that occured two months ago!  

Shlomo Ha'melech described events like this as נזם זהב באף חזיר 

All the learning cannot erase the pasuk in the Torah 

?רשע למה תכה רעך 

Footage of Ger Bechina on all of Shas which took place at Pais Arena, Yerushalayim, Adar II 5782 / March 2022


Anonymous said...

Unreal how powerful Our is. They've managed to silence their critics completely. The from sites aren't even allowing comments on the story anymore.

Anonymous said...

All that will not help them one iota.
They'll be "bashmutzed" forever!
"If Hashem hates his sheep, he'll give them over to a blind Shepherd".

Litvak said...

הרמת יד נקרא רשע
וְלָרָשָׁע אָמַר אֱֹ' מַה לְּךָ לְסַפֵּר חֻקָּי וַתִּשָּׂא בְרִיתִי עֲלֵי פִיךָ: (תהלים נ:טז)

Litvak said...

In this case not blind.