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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Bleich the "fake" chief rabbi in Ukraine who lives in Monsey denies sexual misconduct allegations


The main organization representing British Jews has suspended its ties with the European Jewish Congress over unspecified “misconduct” allegations against the Congress’ treasurer, Yaakov Dov Bleich, a chief rabbi of Ukraine.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews announced the move on Twitter May 31 without naming Bleich. In the tweet, the group said the EJC did not respond satisfactorily to “misconduct allegations,” whose exact nature has not been reported in the media or specified by the Board.

Bleich, who has been featured in news coverage of the war in Ukraine, has denied all allegations against him, Haaretz reported on Tuesday.

“Anyone in public life, over five to six years, you’re going to make changes, especially at my age, where I am less active,” Bleich told Haaretz. “If you come with something concrete, OK, but everybody who investigated said there’s nothing concrete behind these allegations.”

The Haaretz report was based on correspondence between EJC interim president Ariel Muzicant and Marie van der Zyl, the president of the Board. Those emails, obtained by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, neither name Bleich directly as the accused nor specify the nature of the allegations.

The Jerusalem Post reported June 2 that the British Board of Deputies had acted over sexual abuse allegations, also without naming Bleich. On social media, reports have swirled before and after the board’s announcement alleging sexual misconduct by Bleich, an American citizen who lives mostly in Monsey, New York.

Bleich told Haaretz that the misconduct allegations are part of a smear campaign against him by members of the Karlin-Stolin Hasidic dynasty, with which Bleich used to be affiliated. He has fallen out with the movement and has a real estate dispute with it, he told the Israeli newspaper.

Another email obtained by JTA, by Jonathan Arkush, a former president of the Board of Deputies, does name Bleich as the reason for the board’s suspension of ties with the EJC.

“The correct action would have been to suspended [sic] R Bleich immediately if he did not agree to step aside and then consider any representation from him against the evidence,” Arkush wrote to EJC President Muzicant on June 1. In the email, Arkush said he supported the board’s suspension of ties with EJC, citing how “troubling matters circulating publicly” create the impression that the EJC is ignoring the problem.

Arkush’s email was in response to an earlier email sent by Muzicant to van der Zyl, who had demanded Muzicant “carry out an internal investigation into these serious allegations against an officeholder” at EJC. Van der Zyl threatened to go public about the issue.

Muzicant replied that his group had in fact looked into the allegations and said that “going public is irresponsible.” (Muzicant was appointed interim president of the EJC in early May after the previous president, Moshe Kantor, resigned after being placed under sanctions in the United Kingdom over his ties to Russia.)

“The investigation we were able to do so far shows: There are no victims or first-hand witnesses which went to the police or to court,” he wrote. “The allegations are dramatic but are second and third parties (hearsay!) and they are three years old.”

Attempts by JTA in recent weeks to contact complainants have not been successful.

Contacted by JTA, Bleich declined to comment on the dispute. The British Board of Deputies has also declined to comment.


Hey Big Spender said...

Check out the website of the Rockland County Clerk how he's getting sued for stiffing banks.

He's on a real estate buying binge around Monsey which his financial shenanigans are probably funding.

Sacked by Sackmer said...

Did the Satmar lowlives in south Monsey learn the art of shvindling banks to finance their grandiose lifestyle from Bleich? Or did Bleich learn it from them?

Satmar Poop said...

Satmar thug Shia Mandel who is the official shnorrer for Poop-ah is the Avi Avos of the Satmar swindlers. After he swindled the bank on his home mortgage he declared bankruptcy to give them the middle finger that they can kiss goodbye to any chance of getting their money back.

Anonymous said...

The Satmar wannabes are actually worse, like that Sfardi imposter who can't understand why they won't fall for his Satmar act & be meshadech with him, lol. He's the shyster with the "shul" at 1 Ackertown where there isn't a minyan except when he twists the arms of 10 warm bodies or if he suckered another multimillionaire into bankrolling bribes for yungerleit to come. He dupes banks to lend a religious corporation he created for the purpose and then dissolves it before they can even begin to collect.

The Sfardi has a fan club of about 2 low IQ people. One of them is the shnorrer tenant around the corner on Saddle River Rd who didn't pay rent during the pandemic. He likes exotic vacations & fancy shmancy restaurants that are paid for with the premeditated bank loan fraud. He hires one of the shady heimishe lawyers who put every roadblock to prevent the banks from collecting.

Stylist said...


He must think he can project a new image by sourcing that veisseh rekel to look like the Man from Glad (garbage bags)!

Sfardishe Losers for Satmar or Bust said...

"who can't understand why they won't fall for his Satmar act & be meshadech with him, lol"

The typical reaction:

"Vhat's an Arrara?"


Anonymous said...

Haaretz, though an old timer by history, though always left leaning, it has completely changed over the years. Especially since around 2000 (lynch test), it has been a Hate site, unreliable.

Inside Israel its true image is largely known, while outside Israel it is widely cited erroneously thinking as if it's typical "Israeli" paper, which is anything but.

It has become so bad that neo Nazi who proclaim to be on the "right" largely quote this worse-than-just-radical-left as a supposed "source," for their venom. Some dubbed Haaretz, the Sturmer. 

While pushing hate on one hand, it falsely cries "fascism" suggested for click baits reminds even liberal writer.

Haaretz is leading in the 'industry of lies.' Even lefty Yair Lapid accused Haaretz of lying
