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Sunday, June 5, 2022

A Friday Night Shabbos Meal With These Tuna Tacos

 Kol Isha alert!


Anonymous said...

Don't know why "Tacos
But I think it's beautiful.

frum but normal said...

At least these Tuna Tacos (as you call them) had the intelligence and brains to leave behind, that Jew hating and Israel hating insane asylum called "SATMAR'.
Having that gangster Aron TeitelBum, send letters to Congressmen and Senators, to ignore Israel's desperate pleas no to go thru with that genocidal Iranian deal, that would enable them to acquire nuclear weapons and turn all of Israel and it's six million Jews into another Auschwitz.
That is a million times worse than playing a guitar on Shabbos.

Frum but normal said...

Have no doubt ,that in the OLAM HAEMES, the two Jew hating Satmar gangster TeitelBum brothers, would gladly trade places with these Shabbos guitar playing kids.