Monday, October 25, 2021

R' Chaim Kanievsky Says that Harav Ovdia Yosef z"l is in Hell because he Permitted the "Heter Mechira" in Shmittah Year

This is not the place to debate the different poiskim that permitted fruits and veggies during Shmittah with the "Heter Mechira" I will leave that halachic discussion to bigger Talmidei Chachmim than myself.

Suffice it to say that besides Harav Kook z"l many poiskim including Harav Ovadia Yosef z"l permitted the consumption of fruits and vegetables that are sold under the "Heter Mechirah" banner.

In the video above, some guy from Tverya tells R' Chaim that in Tverya there is a lady that sells products with the "Heter Mechira" he asks R' Chaim if he can tell this lady that  R' Ovadia Yosef z"l is "not in Gan Eidan , because he allowed the "Heter Mechira""

 see 1:02

R' Chaim clearly answers that "yes" he can tell the lady that "he is not in Gan Eden" when the guy asks if he is in "gehinnim?" R' Chaim says "yes in gehinnim"

They better start monitoring what R' Chaim says or he will lose respect from everybody.

Question: What would have happened if a Rav would have said this about R' Chaim? 

So now if a Talmud Chacham disagrees with a "chareidie" psak, he goes to hell?

What is happening to us?

Why isn't this being reported all over the news? Where are the Sfardim?

To those who will inevitably jump on me about this post claiming that I am spreading hate, I will let you into a big secret...

The Teverya guy posted this on social media and set this up by having someone film this. 

Also remember that I am not the one who said this about R' Ovadia Yosef z"l ... you should address your complaint to the "higher authorities"


Anonymous said...

You are mistranslating.

He asked if Rav Ovadia is happy in Gan Eden with the Heter Mechira, to which Rav Chaim responded that Rav Ovadia is no longer happy with the Heter Mechira.

He then asked the disgusting question about Rav Ovadia being in Gehinom. To which Rav Chaim literally laughed at him and said "How are me or you supposed to know something like that?"

It's also pretty clear from the dialogue that this took place about five years ago, two years after Shemitta.

Don't jump to conclusions said...

The recording is not so clear, we need to see a *complete* transcript to understand better.

Dusiznies said...

The clip is very clear and it seems that everyone in Israel heard it the same way that I did, it went viral ...
I'm not mistaken are mistaken

Yanki Kanevski said...

Its much better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt. It's obvious from your stupid ignorant comment that you do not understand Hebrew so shut the hell up

Anonymous said...

The phrase was נוח לו בגן עדן
You can look it up yourself. It means, now that he is in Gan Eiden, is he happy with what he said.
The rest of the statement has to do with recognizing sarcasm. I can't prove it if you don't want to see it.