Sunday, October 17, 2021

Three from the "Mishmeres ha'Tzneesis" from Berland group Arrested for the kidnapping & Murder of 17 year-old Nissim Shitrit 30 years ago


There are groups of people who feel that they are responsible for "tznees" in Israel, most of them belong to "Shuvu Banim" a group that goes around harassing, beating and kidnapping young boys that they feel breach "tznees" halachos, though their own leader Eliezer Berland was caught with his pants down, in middle of the "avoideh", screwing one of his followers, a married woman.

About 30 years ago, this group kidnapped a 17 year-old boy, Nissim Shitrit, who lived in Sanhedria in Yerushalyim and who was learning in a Yeshiva in Ashdod.. they accused him of doing not-tzneesdik things, and so they beat him up, and after he reported that to the police, he went missing, never to be seen again.  Police then determined that the Tznees Police, the  "tzadikkim" kidnapped him and subsequently murdered him.

All in the name of "tzneeas" 

They are also suspected of murdering Avi Edri, in 1990, a yeshiva employee of an un-named yeshiva ; he was out with his wife when they kidnapped him  ..  his body was found brutally beaten!

Two of the "heilige" arrested murder suspects are men and one is a "heilige" rebbetzin ..

Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the leader of the sect, was convicted in 2016 after admitting to two counts of indecent sexual acts and one of sexual assault. 

In June, he was convicted on charges of fraud, exploitation, attempted intimidation, tax offenses and money laundering.


Kastner train said...

Thanks to the avee-avos-getchke (uber-shaman) everything is a mitzva (virtuous) for money, power and znis (child sexual exploitation).

Probably time to end this nonsense and expose the avee-avos-getchke on a dedicated website and social media, tiktok.

Anonymous said...

my question is, why is that head snake still breathing?

Anonymous said...

Our religious world is ruled by senile/demented fellows.
Then again, so is the US.