Monday, October 25, 2021

Zionists Start "tax" on disposable plates & cutlery Nov 1st ... Satmar will subsidize those families who continue to use them


The Zionist government has decided to tax practically all disposable plastic plates, cutlery etc, starting November 1st.
 Plastic stuff unless they are recycled cannot be broken down and remain in the environment hundreds of years. Tons and tons of these plastic items are in oceans destroying marine life.

Until last year the Zionists would sell this garbage to the Chinese and only G-d knows what they did with it. But as of last year, the Chinese no longer want Jewish recyclable garbage even if the garbage is Chassidishe garbage, and so the Zionists having no other choice decided to put a huge tax  to discourage people from buying stuff that even the recycling plants can no longer handle.

Chassidism have huge families, so washing dishes for a family is very time consuming, which is a commodity they don't have; they are the largest consumers of disposable stuff in the Zionist State.

 Shabbos Kiddishes that now supply the fressers with 8 different types of herring are the second largest group to utilize disposable plates, as each "herring fresser" needs at least 20 plates, because, G-d forbid, the Shmaltz herring should touch the Wasabi herring. The Yaptcha terrorists need at least 12 plates each to satisfy their cholesterol cravings, and please don't get me started with the Chulent Chazzeirim.

This past shabbos, I was invited to a "full" Kiddush, so I headed straight to the ladies section, knowing full well that the herrings, kugels and chulent and fancy cakes would remain untouched as the women are all on a diet when surrounded by other women and filled up my "disposable" plates with the goodies and brought it into the men section, for them to enjoy. This took about five "full" minutes and when I somehow survived getting to the men's table, all the food was gone! 

But all the plates smeared with oil from the herrings and different kugels were there waiting for some szlub to collect the greasy stuff and put them in the 10 garbage bins that was in "full" view of everyone!

The vegetable platters by the men remained crying ...untouched 

By the ladies, the vegetable platters were gone except for the dressings which the ladies wouldn't dare put on their veggies for fear their neighbors were watching!

Anyway, I digress...

Let's go back to our subject at hand.

R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe from Williamsburg, yes the same guy who brought 5 million dollars to help  the hundreds of "moisdois" that refuse to take Zionist money (FYI the Zionists helped Moisdois Ha'Torah with 250 Million Dollars just last year alone) came up with a genius idea, instead of granting them money to buy dishwashers, he decided instead to subsidize the Chassidim who live in Israelwith  the "Zionist Tax"  to help them continue buying plastic disposable dishes and cutlery and the hell with the environment, after all, all that greasy garbage will remain in the greatest gift Hashem gave to the Jewish people.... Eretz Yisrael!

מי כעמך ישראל

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