Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Did Berland Order the Execution of Nissim Shitrit 30 Years Ago? Someone is talking

It seems that the un-named lady arrested on Sunday that belonged to the Berland "tznees" Cult, has had remorse and is talking, because she wants the victim, the murdered Nissim Shitrit, to come to "kever Yisrael."

Police are searching in the Eshtaol forrest, in Beit Shemesh for his remains. Interesting that Shimshon Ha'Gibor and his father Menoach are buried there. And according to some sources, Dan ben Yaakov is also buried there. 

Some sources are saying that Berland, leader of this group, who admitted to having relations with married women and is now facing fraud charges, is the target of this investigation. 


Kastner train said...

What do they want now from Berland?

He's just following the teachings of the avee-avos-getchke (uber shaman) in the last century, across the pond then in NY.

Everything is a mitzva for power, money and znis (child sexual exploitation).

Mendel said...

The more and more we see that the so called frum Chareidim are the problem and it seems they have been for many decades

Anonymous said...

So true, real rebbisha getchkes (rabbi shamans).

Yiddishkeit is now the 3 hereg val yavoirs: avoida zura (getchkes), geelee aroyes and shfeeches dumim. (Judaism is now the 3 cardinal sins: idolatry, adultery and murder).

Who is this "avee-avos-getchke (uber shaman)" Kastner rabbi??

Anonymous said...

Mendel, I don't think it's fair to attack "frum Chareidim" (or any population). They're mostly sincere tinek shenishbes (kidnapped as infants) literally.

Attack the getchkes (shamans). Wolves in rebbishe (rabbi) clothes. Oppressing so many people and sacrificing them to false gods: money, power and znis (sexual exploitation).