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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Moshichistin saying "lechayim" to the Rebbe

 At 0.39 a little girl is actually trying to get some wine from the Rebbe, but he refuses so she tries getting it from the guy with the full wine flask, but he ignores her just like the rebbe did. 

Question: What's up with the guy with the full flask with wine, anyway?


Anonymous said...

No idol worship going on here.
Nothing to see....move on....

Oy Meh haya lanu said...

Refuah Shelaimah, I was stupid as a kid too. The adults should be ashamed of themselves however.

na said...

the wine is the blood of ..... this is how Christianity started, wondering if in 50 years these people will still count themselves as part of the Jewish people or as a separate religion, perhaps they will hate Jews who don't believe in "their" massiah.. just thinking ahead. its scary.