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Monday, October 11, 2021

Chabad Green Brothers "anti-vaxxers" Lose their Father to Covid


Sources state that they did not let their mother hospitalize him as his oxygen trended down to the 70’s and lower until he was critical and was admitted to the ICU.

As soon as shiva ends I expect them to accuse the hospital of malpractice and murder. 


Anonymous said...

Stupid anti-vaxxers believing one lunatic doctor against one million other doctors who say the opposite. Just like anti earthers who refuse to believe millions of aeronautical scientists, photos of earth from space, etc but believe one lunatic idiot who knows nothing about science and is probably a troll laughing at how many people he has conned.

Jewish Democrats for Trump said...

Many rabbis oppose vax

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a low. Another Jew died and your using his kids to rub it in. When someone dies from obesity or smoking, do you celebrate that they didn't listen to all doctors who say it's unhealthy.
Do you feel better about yourself?
I am not against vaccine but I am pro choice.
I will help and defend everyone regardless of thier beliefs, especially if they are from the tribe.

frum but normal said...

Jewish Democrats for Trump said...
Many rabbis oppose vaccines
so what, many so called Rabbi's protect child molesters' and rapist's. both of them are criminals and will go straight to hell