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Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 Elites Violate Mask Mandate at Grotesque Met Gala

The maskless Met Gala once again proves that the science is clear. Masks only stop us, you and I, the little people, from spreading the coronavirus. However, America’s cherished left-wing elites are so unique and beautiful that the virus dare not spread through them. 

What other explanation could there be for the serial mask violations at Monday night’s 2021 Met Gala? 

Obviously, the China Flu understands that someone who can afford the $35,000 ticket to attend this ritzy event is untouchable. 

The rules at the Met are clear, not just with respect to masks, but also with respect to social distancing: Vaccines and masks will be required for those attending the Met Gala in New York in September. “Currently, all attendees at The Met Gala on September 13 must provide proof of full vaccination and will also be expected to wear masks indoors except when eating or drinking,” a spokesperson for the event told The Hill. “We will update these guidelines as needed.” The Met Gala will be held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York on Sept. 13. Except, uhm, yeah… Only the servants are the ones wearing the masks…

 Keep in mind this is happening in the same New York that cruelly shoves little schoolkids in masks for eight hours a day.

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