Thursday, September 30, 2021

Career criminal busted for trying to sexually assault two Hasidic girls in Crown Heights


A career criminal was arrested Tuesday for trying to sexually assault two Hasidic teens in a Brooklyn apartment building.

Gessley Olivier, 20, stalked the duo into a Crown Heights apartment building on Eastern Parkway before trying to attack them at about 1:25 p.m. on Monday, according to law enforcement sources. 

In a desperate bid to escape the creep, the frightened girls ran into the bathroom of a friend’s first floor apartment and locked the door.

Olivier followed them and screamed “You are going to fu–!” before busting through the locked door with his pants down, the sources said.

The brave girls then kicked the pervert and fled from the building to a nearby synagogue for help, sources said.

Investigators working the case retrieved surveillance footage that captured Olivier. A sharp-eyed officer from the 71st Precinct recognized the suspect from prior crimes in the neighborhood.

The creep has more than two dozen previous arrests on charges including burglary and grand larceny.

Police sent out a department-wide alert Monday that Olivier was wanted in the 71st Precinct. Later that day, Oliver allegedly stole a 2019 Jeep Cherokee from a Midtown parking garage.

The car’s owner reported it stolen on Tuesday and cops tracked the vehicle to Lower Manhattan, where they arrested Olivier and learned he was wanted for the previous day’s attack in Brooklyn.

For Monday’s attack, Olivier was charged with burglary, sex motive burglary, criminal trespass, criminal mischief, lewdness, and harassment.

1 comment:

Chameleon said...

If you are familiar with the slimy rabbi who was kicked out as NYPD chaplain for stealing police cash, farkoyfs himself as a weapons consultant for shul security, and who is constantly switching between Orthodox & Conservative depending on where he can make a buck, there is someone even worse than him in kashrus. The worse one was imported from out of State by the son of Moshe Tuvya Lieff to give hashgocho in Brooklyn.

It's one thing when the worse one protects molesters & crooks which is also a Lieff habit. And a second thing when he helps manufacture mamzerus which is also the forte of such 'luminaries' as rabbis Mendel Epstein, Gimpel Wolmark, Yisroel Belsky, Hershel Schechter, Nota Greenblatt, the Kaminetzkys, etc, etc, etc. But it's another thing that he & his father are frauds who both hide the many years they were in Conservative shtellers.

This rav hamachshir has been Conservative for much more of his life than he's acted the Orthodox part. That doesn't stop him from operating a Vaad Hakashrus & from lately at age 83 also being a regional chief for the Star K. None of his children from 3 wives are frum. They are Reform.

He was an actor in a disgustingly prusta movie released in 2006 about someone bringing home a zoyna to his mishpocho's Pesach Seder !!!

He has a bizarre history. His father, an Ingrisher named Jeno, was Chazan in Croatia, Czechoslavakia, Denmark, Sweden (the son works for Star K under his Swedish name), Newfoundland & Montreal.

The son left Montreal for cantor roles through the 1960s, including at Temple Ramat Zion in Northridge (1967) & Temple Judea in Tarzana, Calif. (1969). He was still cantor in freya places as recent as at least 1987, if not later!

Before or during marriage to 3rd wife named "Giborah", he, according to his own description, ended an off the derech phase to become a BT. At that point he started a Jewish orchestra. His older completely unfrum brother is a famous NYU professer.

The zeyde was Chazan in Nitra but it's sketchy how frum even the father Cantor Jeno was because he went to a fishy sounding cantorial school in Vienna & he came back from Israel at the end of his life to be Conservative cantor in a San Diego temple.