Friday, May 14, 2021

Your Shul Won't Make a "Mi Shebeirach" for the Chayalim? ....Watch this Toddler Make the Official "Me-Shebeirach" To his Sister a Soldier in the IDF


Guys ...

I don't get it ... nope ....I don't get it ...

For years all shuls would make "Mi-Shebeirachs" for goyim...Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, the Czar, Franz Yosef, Napoleon, President Cooledge, Roosevelt ym"s, Eisenhower etc..

Who composed the nusach of these "Mi-Sheibeirachs"? No one knows! But it didn't make any difference, it's in the siddur so they said it with pride. We have old siddurim going on auction where you can see these "Mi-Shebeirachs"

They even made "Mi-Shebeirachs" for Jewish soldiers that served in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania,  England, Germany etc... no one objected! Yes in Russia and in other countries they were forcibly drafted, but many Jews volunteered as well! 

Here in Eretz Yisrael we have a Jewish Army for the first time since Rebbe Akiva, the Tanna established one over 2,000 years ago.

The Rabbanute Instituted the following  Prayer:

read it, do you find even one word, objectionable ? One word? One letter? 
No.....?I didn't think so....
So why in the world isn't it said in Shul? Why?
These selfless souls are there to protect the Jews people, even those who live in Meah Shearim, even those throwing shetenders at each other in Ponovitz, and even the Neturei Karta that call them Nazis....

When did this become political?

I daven in a Shul in Beit Shemesh, whose rabbi wears a "spodik" and is really a gem of a guy, sweetest guy in the world ....
and they do make a "Mi-Shebeirach" for the Chayalim, but not the official "Mi-Sheibeirach" you see above .... 
So after Covid ,  I decided not to go back...
The Rabbi called me, and asked "how come we don't see you, covid is over" I said "I am not comfortable davening in a Shul that doesn't make the official "Mi-Shebeirach" ...
He asked : "Do you know who composed this?" I said "I'm not sure, but I believe it was Rabbi Shlomo Goren" He says: "Correct, that's why we don't use his version" 
So I asked him: "How many times were you at the front, giving chizuk to our soldiers?" "I have to admit ....Never, but my heart is with them "
I said: "I want to daven in a Shul that says the Mi-Sheberach composed by a guy who served in the IDF during three wars, making it possible for me and you to live here, and not only was his heart with the Chayalim but so was his body and soul"




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