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Monday, May 10, 2021

Rabbi of Adass Israel in Australia That Harbored and Supported a Pedophile Knows Why 45 Got Killed in Meron ...Shaitlach!

I have to laugh... this is a rabbi of a congregations that paid for the tickets of the convicted pedophile Malka Leifer to escape without supporting the victims, he knows why 45 people were killed in Meron...

Yes, he says that "Hashem's ways are hidden" but then he goes on to say "Everyone feels in his heart that Hashem is calling out to him from above, to awaken himself to a cheshbon hanefesh, and everyone knows themselves what matter needs to be corrected in one's Avodas Hashem" 

Hey Rabbi..did you make a "cheshban hanefesh? 
Listen to this irony...
 The gist of the letter to the congregation that supported a pedophile and allowed her to escape and paid for her and her families tickets is that  "tzneeies"is the major issue .....for Klall Yisrael...
Is this guy kidding me? There were tens of thousands of women that attended the Meron Hadlaka...not one was killed or even hurt..all those killed were male ....




Anonymous said...

I don't think that rabbi was there yet when Leifer flew the coup.

Even though the Meron tragedy is the fault of Agudah & Shas blackmailing Bibi to squeeze 100,000 ounces into a 10,000 ounce bottle, it doesn't mean there wasn't also a separate esoteric reason why those men & boys nebich lost their lives. It does say that tznius problems invites tragedy.

I will grant you however that he should not mention the tznius angle without also socking it to the above culprits.

And fire at will at Nadvorna. Her husband is one of it's Rebbes.

There is also an Upstate NY molester Meilech Leifer who R' Nuchem has been warning about for many years. Any relation?

Anonymous said...

Know what you are saying before you write. The current Rabbi is the new Rabbi of the Congregation and is only there for a couple of years now. Way after the Leifer saga. You owe him and the community an apology for you Motzei Shem Ra.

Dusiznies said...

I owe him no apology ... Malka Leifer from his community destroyed the lives of many young children, she is now in Australia facing her accusers.. this "new" rabbi has yet to utter one word ..
We are not asking him to say something about the trial..but don't you think as a Rabbi he should have something to say to the victims?
This fool is talking about "tzneeyus"? Is he kidding?
He should be talking about sexual predators ...in his very community...
An Apology?
The community has done nothing to support victims of these crimes...
The "new" rabbi and his community should shut the hell up about the Meron tragedy ...
they should hang their collective heads in shame

Anonymous said...

Don't hold back - tell us what you really think. :)
It's hard for the rabbi to criticize the very people who pay his wages.

The Dingy Ate My Baby said...

As a member of this community, I can tell you that the good Rabbi is a coward. Putting out this thrash letter was a way to take the heat off the community and to focus on tzneeyus, but he is fooling no one
An apology by Rabbi Cohen to the Ehrlich girls would have gone along way to heal them and the community

Anonymous said...

The girls and community will heal after the two court cases, Leifer and Adass school as a compulsory reporter.

It's hard for the rabbi to criticize the very people who pay his wages.

Time for all Joes to do Teshuva said...

Read the rabbis letter before to turn up your hatred style.

If any rav feels there is some sort of pirzto in his community it is his duty to give mussar to them.

As for punishments for aveiros - maybe if you concentrated on the Shma that you presumably say several times a day you would notice the following:

השמרו לכם פן יפתה לבבכם....וחרה אף
ה בכם.. ואבדתם מהרה מעל הארצ הטובה אשר ה נותן לכם

Anonymous said...

Australia will kick its Jews out very soon ... don't be so comfortable ... we are all waiting for your rabbi's words of support to the victims of this Australian animal