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Friday, May 7, 2021

Haredi parties to Bennett: Don't form a govt. that hates haredim


Shas chairman and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri responded tonight (Thursday) to Naftali Bennett's intention to form a unity government with the left-wing parties and Yair Lapid.

''For a whole month we have done everything, even giving up our honor, so that we can form a right-wing government as we promised our voters. We were not looking for positions. We did not ask for roles. We agreed to give Bennett the go-ahead so that Yamina, which promised to form a right-wing government, could join," Deri said.

"I say with certainty: if Naftali and 'Yamina' had come with us with the bloc, we would have reached 61 seats or more. All that was missing was the agreement. There was a draft agreement. Unfortunately, Naftali did not do that," said the Shas chairman.

Deri continued: "We came on behalf of the haredi public to say that we are very concerned that Avigdor Liberman, the biggest persecutor of the religious, is supposed to be the finance minister. We are concerned that Meretz and Meirav Michaeli and Yesh Atid are the majority in this government. We are very worried about what will happen to the Jewish character of the State of Israel."

"We are anxious about what will happen to the world of Torah, to the settlements. I turn to you Naftali, we have reached an almost signed agreement. There are 28 days, it will not lead to an election, a right-wing government will be established - once they knew there was no option for a left-wing government. I know there's blood in the middle but you know we're not a side. "Do not break the connection between the haredim and what you represent," the Shas chairman asked.

United Torah Judaism chairman MK Moshe Gafni, said in a statement at the Knesset: "The haredi public knows how to win and not be haughty. We know how to lose and not give up. We do not tolerate thinking that we are stupid. Bennett is negotiating with Lapid to form a government that is a hate government, an anti-religious government. And he and Shaked come and say they have turned over stone upon stone to form a right-wing government. Why are you lying to us?"

Gafni sharply attacked Bennett: "He has done this to us once, he and Shaked who went with Lapid. what did you do? This is going to be an anti-land of Israel government. You preached to me 'the leftist,' you preached to me morality about the land of Israel, but what will this government do? What will Horowitz do? What will Michaeli do? Will they guard the Land of Israel? This is going to be an anti-religious government."

"Am I supposed to trust Bennett to protect the land of Israel or religion? But we know the truth. I agree with Mr. Deri's interpretation. Don't believe when they say about me that I'm a leftist. For 33 years I have gone only with the right. The hatred between Bibi and Bennett and this storm is more important than the Land of Israel and the Holy Torah."



1 comment:

yidlmitnfidl said...

Gafni & co don't realize that the country had enough of their decade of blackmail.
The Meron disaster sealed their fate, by highlighting the selfishness of the Chareidim.
Bibi sealed his own fate by refusing to let someone else in the Likud to take the reins.
A triple whammy, kind of a perfect storm.