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Friday, May 14, 2021

HAMAS :>>"Jewish immigration to Palestine based on myths and so is the claim that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews"


This is why it's now very important to revisit the prohibition of some Poiskim of going up to the Har-Habayis

If we do not make a presence there now, it's over folks. 
Instead of going to Meron and making that into a holy place, Jews decided to abandon Hashem's Holy Obode, with all kinds of excuses.
Rishonim have gone up there with no halachic issues. The Rambam writes in a letter that I posted here many times that he made a Yom Tov every single year on the anniversary of his going up to the Har Habit. The Me'erie, a Rishon says that there is no halachic issue of going up there "Bizman Hazeh"

There are great Torah leaders that encourage people going up there, and let's at least support those who follow their "Daas Torah"  that it is not only permissible to go up there but encouraged.

Every Rosh Chodosh there are Chassidishe groups such as members of the Belz community that go up there, there is a group right here in my hometown in Beit Shemesh that go up there every Chodosh on the 7th. The makeup of the people that go there from Bet Shemesh runs across the spectrum of Yiddishkeit... Yeshivash, Chassidish, Modern Orthodox...and yes even the followers of the extremists, the Toldos Aaron guys..
Most of the Poiskim that prohibited people from going up to the Har Habayit based their psaks not with "tumeh" issues,  but because they feel that this "would antagonise the Arabs... "
We now see that this premise is faulty.. as the Arabs don't want any Jews in any part of Yerushalyim.....
Not even in Meah Shearim...

Saleh Al-Arouri, deputy chairman of Hamas’s political bureau said in an interview on Gaza’s Al-Aqsa TV on Wednesday that Jewish immigration to Palestine was based on myths and so is the claim that Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, reported MEMRI.

“The Jews’ immigration to Palestine from all corners of the world, in order to establish their state, was based on the myth that Jerusalem had been their capital and that they had a temple there, that Jerusalem belongs to them, and that it is their Promised Land. These are the myths that they have invented out of thin air,” said Arouri.

He also said, according to the report, that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and commander of the ‘Izz al-Din al-Qasam Brigades Mohammad Deif have said that Hamas is ready to fight for many months.

“The resistance was designed to last for a long while. The commanders of the resistance in Gaza have said—brother Abu Ibrahim [Al-Sinwar] said it clearly more than once, and [Mohammed] ‘Abu Khaled’ Deif also talked about it. … They said that we are ready for a war that would last months. Months!”

Arouri continued: “The resistance will not allow [Israel] to create an image of victory. In the 2014 war, the image of victory was of the [Israeli] soldier under the boots of the mujahideen. In this war, the bombing of the streets and towers will not be the image of victory. The image of victory will be painted by our jihadi Brigades.”



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