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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Female soldiers were attacked by Haredim when assisting at Meron disaster


Soldiers of the Israel Defense Force’s Home Front Command were physically and verbally attacked by ultra-Orthodox Jews while they were assisting in searching for dead and wounded in the stampede during Lag B’Omer celebrations at Mount Meron, the IDF said late Saturday.

“We entered the gravesite to search for injured people and suddenly a commotion began that there are female soldiers in uniforms who are touching the wounded,” a soldier told Army Radio earlier.

“They started to kick and spit on us. The female soldiers were kicked, spit on, and punched from every direction,” the radio station quoted the soldier saying. Hebrew media reports said five female soldiers were targeted.

The military confirmed the incident, saying in a statement that “the force continued on its mission and ignored the harmful behavior.”

“The IDF views this incident very gravely and condemns any violence — physical or verbal — toward female and male soldiers. The IDF in general and the Home Front Command in particular will continue to extend a hand, to assist and to save any citizen or resident in a time of need,” a spokesperson for the military added.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz said in a statement: “Saving live is a supreme value and I’m proud of all IDF soldiers in treating the wounding in the disaster at Miron and firmly condemn whoever attacked the soldiers there.

“Many citizens owe their lives to those who were called to the event. Just like at Moron, just like during the coronavirus, IDF soldiers will continue to save lives wherever they are needed.”

On Friday, a spokesperson for the IDF said “Search and Rescue Brigade troops, Northern Command medical teams and a number of IAF helicopters with medical teams and Unit 669 forces are assisting in the mass casualty incident in Mount Meron.”

Forty-five people were crushed to death and more than 150 people hurt, including several in critical condition.




Anonymous said...

Which blithering idiot sends female soldiers to a holy site with tens of thousands of frum Yidden in attendance., especially when everyone on the site is already in a hysterical state of mind. Where is a bit of sechel and sensitivity????

Not saying that the reaction was proper, but if you look for trouble you are sure to find it. No male soldiers available???

Dusiznies said...

#1 Most Army medics are female ......
#2 The army sent chayalim that were the closest to the site ...to get there ASAP
#3 This is not "Shnora-park" "Fakewood" or even Williamfart" this is Israel, in Israel Hatzala and MDA have females and whoever is available comes ... they don't ask..."Oh this guy has a mila" so we won't sent women" ....
#4 also early reports weren't sure of who was injured as there were tens of thousands of women in Meron as well ..
You sound like a guy if the women were injured would want to be there...

And we learned a big lesson here and when I mentioned this a couple of weeks ago ..people attacked me... and I'll say it once again..
Chassiddim and Sfardim who come to these things are by in large "pushers" they push ...push push ...they don't have any concept of "personal space" .......
I'm not blaming anyone..just stating facts ..

ChulentBean said...

People are in body bags and others crushed and dying and they find time to attack those who came to help them,what a sick sick world. and you 6:57 support these bono-fide lunatics ...
If it was your child lying there, G-d forbid, would you care if it was a lady giving him CPR?

Anonymous said...

Only a sick sexual pervert would make comment like yours

Anonymous said...

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

Sotah 21a-b

In the Mishnah (20a) Rabbi Yehoshua mentions a number of people who he categorizes as mevalei olam – those whose actions destroy the world. One of them is a chasid shoteh – a “foolish righteous person.” Our Gemara defines the term by giving the example of a man who sees a woman drowning and reacts by saying that, as a religious person, it is inappropriate for him to look at her – even though that is the only way to save her.

In his Mincha Charevah, Rav Pinchas Epstein asks why this person is considered a chasid shoteh; by allowing this woman to drown, he has transgressed the prohibition of lo ta’amod al dam re’ekhah (“do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor” – see Vayikra 19:16) and should be considered an evildoer. One possible answer is that there are other people in the vicinity who can step forward and save her, and he is considered a chasid shoteh since he does not hurry to fulfill this important mitzvah because of skewed priorities.

The definition of a chasid shoteh as offered by the Rambam is not only someone who refrains from performing mitzvot because of what he believes to be religious stringencies, but also someone who is overly concerned with stringencies in general (the example given by the Me’iri is someone who fasts on a daily basis). The Talmud Yerushalmi offers other examples to illustrate this concept, including someone who sees a child drowning and decides that he must remove his tefillin before jumping into the water to save him, someone who sees a potential rapist chasing after a young woman and is unwilling to strike out at the person, or even someone who sees a choice fruit on his tree and hurries to give it to charity without first making sure that the basic terumot and ma’asrot (tithes) have been taken properly.