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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Satmar Chassidim Will Say Hallel and won't say "Tachnun" On "Hei Iyar" This Year


No! Moshiach didn't come yet... 

Yom Hatzmo'ot is normally celebrated on the 5th day Iyar .."Hei Iyar,"but this year since the 5th day of Iyar falls on Shabbos, Israel pushed it back to Thursday.

Satmar disregards what the Israeli do...and considers Yom Hatz'moet to be on the 5th of Iyar, for the simple reason that Ben Gurion and the rest of the Zionists  established that day as Yom Hatz'moet.
In other words, Satmar will recognise Yom Hatzmo'et on Shabbos because that's when the 5th of Iyar will fall; with this understanding they are on the same page as the Zionist founding fathers!

Mucho Problemo!

Firstly, since Yom Hatzmoet  is according to Satmar on Shabbos they won't be able to say Tachnun... but no-one not even the Iranians, say Tachnun on Shabbos!

Secondly, in Satmar they have a custom to read 5 Chapters of Tehillim every day according to their  own schedule ...and each day they have particular  5 Chapters designated to that particular day..

Well, if you look into the Satmar Tehillim Schedule ... the five chapters designated for the 5th of Iyar this year are Chapters 113-119 which happen to include Hallel..

Well the Satmar "askanim" ran like poisoned mice to the rebbe asking him "Lmaan Hashem" to do something, but the rebbe sticking to the minhag that probably goes back to the Satmar contingency that stood at Har Sinai, refused, but added that the "askanim" should add more awareness to the sheep about the danger of Zionism..

In the above poster, which I don't think is from this year, they warn their chassidim to say Tachnun, even if there should be a bris, when Tachnun is normally not said...because as the Vayoel Moshe said that if Satmar would not say Tachnun on a day where there was a bris, people that are not aware there was a bris would say that in "the Satmar Bais Medrish they didn't say Tachnun because of Yom Hatzmoeot, chas ve'sholom!

In the above poster they give a reason why "Tachnun" should be said, because as they write "On this day our enemies and the ones who hate Hashem, came,  profaned our Holy Land by establishing a Tumedike government, G-d save us, and rebelled against G-d and His Torah"

What that has to do with saying Tachnun, no one knows...but presumably,  since there are  Jews who are grateful for this day, and they skip saying Tachnun because they consider this day a Yom Tov, (on Yom Tov we skip this prayer) a day to thank our Creator for giving us back our home, for giving us a Land that even Satmar Chassidim run to when in trouble, therefore Satmar says Tachnun to point out that the establishment of the Jewish state is not a Holiday but as the Arabs put so nicely..a catastrophe ... the Arabs, though, will not say Tachnun, I am not sure about Hallel.

And so as they say,  Hashem has a sense of humour,  and He made sure that Satmar should not say Tachnun and actually add Hallel on this holy day, like all good religious Zionists.




Anonymous said...

Trying to make heads and tails from this "moidooeh Netzeecheh" that on Erev Shabbos Koidesh Tazriah metzoireh - on which the terrible and bitter day of Hay Eer falls out each and every minyan MUST say Tachnin even if a bris or choosin or any other Prtaur for saying tachnin on normal days.

In my Calendar, Hay Eer is on Shabbos Koidesh Not on Erev Shabbos koidesh.

I need some one to run as fast as he can to the Rebbe and find out "vos tit min - ihn Vos titzech doo".

Black Lives Matter contribution to Society said...


Agudah Kovod Zucher said...

After a za recharging in ruchniyus on every Chol Hamoed, we will be tzugegrait for the Fresser Convention!


Disneyland will allow employees to choose from gender-inclusive hairstyles, fingernail styles, jewelry & costumes that provide more flexibility of personal expression in a major change to the theme park dress code.

Disney Parks, Experiences & Products Chairman Josh D’Amaro announced the gender-inclusive policy change to the Disney Look on Tues, Apr 13 in a post on the Disney Parks Blog.

“We want our guests to see their own backgrounds & traditions reflected in experiences they encounter in their interactions with Disney. And we want our cast members — & future cast members — to feel a sense of belonging at work.”

The new Disney Look policies go in effect immediately to be in place when Disneyland & Disney California Adventure reopen Apr 30 after a yearlong coronavirus closure.

Before the closure, Disneyland resort had 32,000 cast members, Disney parlance for employees. Disneyland laid off at least 11,500 & furloughed 1000s more due to the pandemic.

The change to the Disney dress code will guide how cast members show up to work. All references to gender are eliminated from the guidelines. Under the policy change, all cast members can work in gender-inclusive costume of their choosing. All cast members can choose the look that best suits them as an individual & how they wish to express themselves.

Previously, Disney guidelines had specific rules on men’s hair. Men couldn't wear nail polish in the past. Previous guidelines included specifics on female hairstyles & color.

The changes to Disney policy also address tattoos. All cast members can now have visible tattoos not larger than an adult hand.

“Our new approach provides greater flexibility to forms of personal expression surrounding gender-inclusive hairstyles, jewelry, nail styles + costume choices & allowing appropriate visible tattoos. We update them to not only remain relevant today, but also enable our Cast Members to better express their cultures & individuality at work.”

Out & Equal CEO Erin Uritus called Disney’s dress code policy change a “great moment” that signals everyone's welcome at Disneyland.

“Disney’s move is a powerful example of a company that walks the walk on inclusion & belonging,” Uritus said in a statement released by Disney. “With these changes, cast members bring their authentic selves to work. Disney guests will see themselves reflected in the diversity across all levels of the company.”

Out & Equal, which advocates LGBTQ (Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer) equality, partnered with Disney to develop the new policies.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous April 15, 2021 at 1:29 PM:
The sign in the picture is not from this year.