Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Rivka Wassermann "Holy Rebbetzin" Gets Screamed At ...



Anonymous said...

This might be a completely legit cause but the second I see the piece of garbage known as Flatbushgirl supporting it, I need to take a real close look.

Dusiznies said...

Yes ..you do that..
Meanwhile she s the one in front fighting against bastards like Wasserman

Anonymous said...

What shul was the confrontation in?

Where are the papers from rabbonim on Nechama's side?

Dusiznies said...

This was not a "confrontation" it was a protest ...
It was in front of the Pupa Yeshiva where Rivka "the musser giver" works
They don't need any letters from Rabbis ... Rivka Wasserman refused to go to Bais Din as does her son, Dovid .What papers do they need?
She is the one who needs the papers called a "get"