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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Stutchiner Chassidim Believe That all those who Died From Covid "secretly did Aveiros related to Technology"

The following was a comment on a well known blog for ladies  

"I have super hardcore stuchiner chassidish cousins who think that all science is kefira. I have heard from them, recently, that the coronavirus was entirely caused by people using technology inappropriately. They genuinely believe that the only cure for coronavirus will be one enough people do teshuva, and they are 100% confident that the vaccine that was created by kefiradik science has absolutely nothing to do with the virus and will not be able to help at all. This goes so far to the extent that they believe that those who died in their own community it's because they secretly must have been involved in doing aveiros related to technology. 

They do not intend to take the vaccine, which some of them are convinced is some terrible fake thing created by the kefiradik scientists for nefarious purposes, and others simply believe the non-jews are fools who don't understand the truth but think that they are accomplishing something. 

I don't know why any of this is crazy compared to that. These are real people they're alive you can go and meet them.




Anonymous said...

You have the wrong picture up.

It's The so called rabbi of toldos Yehuda stitching.

Anonymous said...

which Stuchiner?

Anonymous said...

It may bear mentioning that, unless I am very much mistaken, her cousins may be the ONLY hardcore Stuchiner chassidim.

jancsibacsi said...

This insanity is a symptom of too much toireh nonsene teachings the fanatics dont know anymore whats real or not they cannot think for themselfs a bunch of shoites

FYI said...

Rebbe Mottel Zilber (aka Mordechai Silver) is one Stutchiner Rebbe who the first commenter seems to be referring to. He is a son in law of Rebbe Moshe Wolfson of Emunas Yisroel and Torah Vodaath.

The other Stutchiner Rebbe, whom your photo seems to show, is R. Yudkowsky.

Unknown said...

A you referring to the extremist cult of R motel silber?

bored stiff said...

As many have mentioned, you seem to have the wrong guy. R Mottel Zilber is a hardcore fanatic (he actually grew up in a modern home, but as they say, A Gevorene Is Erge Vi A Geborene). The above mentioned views seem to fit in to his world view.

The pic you have is of the Stitcheene Rebbe, who is actually very into following the corona regulations to a certain extent. There is no food given out in Shul (even during tish - he eats from tiny portions, to keep the Chassidim from catching Shrayim). He also continuously demands of his Chassidim to wear masks while in public.

He is also a very strong believer in the corona vaccine.

Dusiznies said...

Ok ok ok .
I Updated photo ...
you happy now?

Anonymous said...


FYI said...

Yasher koach DIN for fixing the photo.

This Stutchiner Rebbe that is seen now, also has followers in the Modern Orthodox Neo Hasidus group, like YU graduate and musmach, Rabbi Zev Reichman (son of R. Hershel Reichman of YU, who is connected to Emunas Yisroel of R. Moshe Wolfson in B.P.), leader of an MO congregation in NJ, who has written books disseminating teachings of Rebbe Zilber.


Also, the Neo Hasidus group of Rebbe Moishe Weinberger of Woodmere - see https://gifs.com/gif/aish-kodesh-visit-to-rav-mottel-zilber-J6xgpP


Anonymous said...

So is the father, Zev Reichman, a Moonie.

Anonymous said...

whats the name of the blog

Anonymous said...

I belong to Reb Motel Silber's kehilla.
It's true, he didn't encourage wearing a mask.
But it is absolutely not true that they blamed the covid virus and deaths from covid that happened because of technology. They had some real chashiva people in their kehilla die. It is disrespectful to say that someone deserved to to die because of aveiros they did. Only G-d knows why covid happened and why people died.