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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Watch: Fox News in "new low" cuts away from Trump press conference

 Fox News on Monday cut away from a Trump campaign press conference outlining its allegations of election fraud in the presidential election.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany began her press conference by saying Democrats were the only party opposing voter ID, verifying signatures, citizenship, residency, eligibility, and trying to keep observers out of the count room.

“You take these positions because you are welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting,” she said just before Fox News cut away.

Host Neil Cavuto then said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just think we have to be very clear: she's charging the other side as welcoming fraud and illegal voting, unless she has more details to back that up, I can't in good countenance continue to show you this.”

Cavuto said the network would return to the press conference if evidence was presented to substantiate the claims.

“But that’s an explosive charge to make, that the other side is effectively rigging and cheating, if she does bring proof of that of course we’ll take you back so far she has started saying, right at the outset, welcoming fraud, welcoming illegal voting,” Cavuto said.



MAGA said...

There are sworn statements from election board employees & there are videos of unescorted hacks moving loads of ballots outside of secure areas in the wee hours of the night.

But a new head of Fox News is another partisan Democrat self-hating Yiddela who used to work for Biden so he is well on his way to giving Fox a "Gray Lady" makeover.

And Col Allen is being pushed out of running Fox's sister newspaper the NY Post, which is why it is suddenly reading like another Left Wing organ & greppsing over & over that Trump has "no proof" of any fraud.

Anonymous said...

The Leftist reporter should work for NYT with her editorializing a "news" piece. Like she should talk after her husband begged The Forward to remove a very embarrassing item on him. And that Rapoport nut from Masbia Boro Park should get cow branded already with Obama's face:

Messages casting doubt on the election started on Orthodox social media by Wed morning & continue, pausing only for Shabbat

“Lot of cheating,” lifeandfoodwithmimi, Instagram influencer who covers food / politics with 16k+ followers. “To me Trump won”

“Profound,” Instagram influencer, Victoria Zirkiev with 25k followers, wrote on a pic of Stalin casting a ballot with a quote falsely tied to Stalin: “It’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes”

Michal Weinstein, party planner-influencer with 20k+ Instagram followers, claims on Facebook that Democrats cheat. Weinstein quotes her speech at a rally she organized in support of Trump in the 5 Towns, Long Island

“At the Freedom Rally I said Trump wins. They'll cheat. I’m no psychic / genius, just awake & informed. It's an attempted coup d’etat”

Weinstein told JTA she accepts results if Democrats are fair. Arguing the results need investigation, she notes dead voters & ballots for Trump tossed by postal staff. Neither widely circulating claim's substantiated

“I spread truth & it's a coup, the election was stolen”

Beliefs reflected point to growing far-right influence on Orthodox increasingly right-wing politics, the only Jewish denomination majority-expected to vote for Trump

As the nation awaited results of the most contentious election in history & ballots in Pennsylvania showed Biden the projected winner for enough electoral votes for victory, Orthodox social media continued to flood with posts casting doubt. They circulate WhatsApp & Instagram, where influencers serve politics + recipes & product reviews to fit Orthodox lifestyle

Across platforms, the message of Jewish pro-Trumpers is clear: don't trust election results

No matter no evidence of fraud. (Trump claims irregularities in 5 states Biden led vote tallies. The Washington Post says none proven) Or results take long with huge numbers of absentee ballots. Or Red states didn't allow absentee ballot counts before Election Day

Questioning election integrity isn’t limited to Orthodox influencers

Dov Hikind, ex-state assemblyman D-Boro Park, did the same on Twitter

“Almost every irregularity favors Democrats” he tweeted, listing purported fraud. “Do the math!”

Alex Rapaport, who runs Masbia soup kitchen, said disinformation in Boro Park's in part how news spreads among the Orthodox

“It's on WhatsApp, no source”

Rapaport also blames Orthodox news sites giving another narrative on Trump vs mainstream news for years

“Not just elections, it's 4 years kids separated from parents, as our grandparents endured, why isn’t it huge?” re Mexican migrants. “They don't report it”

Weinstein told JTA her news is from followers & WhatsAppers

“I don’t share everything. But some really make sense”

Weinstein was censored on Instagram & shadowbanned - followers don't see posts unless they search by account name (Facebook owner Instagram bans election misinformation)

“CNN, even Fox, is lies. It’s a mirage & gaslighting”

Weinstein's so concerned to share her beliefs, she joined Parler, a platform to replace Twitter that's popular with conservatives

Penn. vote tallies led news orgs to call the race for Biden on Shabbat morning. But as Trump questioned the results, influencers signing on post-Shabbat resumed posting

“They don't decide who's president,” Instagram handle lindaadvocate with 23k followers said of news orgs calling it. “We'll check all legal ballots to see who really was elected”

Weinstein shares doubts on a Biden win

“I'll donate to Trump to fight. Buckle up, it’ll be a crazy couple months”