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Monday, November 16, 2020

Song of Eruvin ... A Summary in song




Georgia on my mind said...

Senator David Perdue, R-GA, said Sunday that a GOP victory in the Jan. 5 runoff elections for 2 Senate seats will be “last line of defense” against Socialist Democrats.

In an interview on Fox “Sunday Morning Futures,” Perdue said “Democrats want total control” of the Senate for their political ends.


GOP Senators Perdue & Kelly Loeffler face Democrat challengers Jon Ossoff & anti-Semitic Shvartza Reverand Raphael Warnock in the runoffs. The current breakdown in the Senate is 50 Republicans & 48 Democrats.

“These seats are the last line of defense against the liberal socialist agenda the Democrats will perpetrate. Democrats want total control,” he said.

According to Perdue, Senator Schmuckie Schumer, D-NY, if he becomes Majority Leader, "will change the rules in the Senate so they can do anything they want with 50 votes plus the vice president's tie breaker vote."

“They'll pack the Supreme Court, manufacture 4 new Democrat seats by inventing 2 new states from non-Continental territories & will eventually want to do away with the Electoral College," he charged.

He charged Democrats will also push through the "Green New Deal, defunded police, open borders, sanctuary cities, military spending cuts & then abolish private health insurance.”

Perdue decries efforts of Democrats from out-of-state to campaign for his opponent.

“We've proven to Democrats that Georgia is not a blue state. We beat their agenda by 4 points total, so they know to win this runoff, they've got to do something illegal. We're not going to let it happen. What they're encouraging people to do is use artificial addresses or move in temporarily. Our law states they have to be here permanently. It just shows they're willing to do anything, lie, steal, cheat, to win this election because it goes back to what they want.”

Narcissist Loser said...

This is Obama under advice, trying to backpedal the ugly anti-Semitism that comprises his memoir's chapter on Bibi & AIPAC so that it doesn't hurt Biden. And it's sickening how the Obama-Biden team are trying to steal all the credit from Trump on the Abraham Accords, even calling it "normalization" instead of peace treaties. He ends off with a swipe at the Saudis because they repudiated his caving in to Iran, which is Obama's one failure that he is most sensitive & vindictive over any criticism whatsoever:

Barack Obama called Bibi Netanyahu a “fascinating character” in an interview published today, saying he included extensive context on Israel & Bibi in his memoir to make readers understand the deep differences in worldview between he & Bibi.

In a lengthy interview with The Atlantic chief Jeffrey Goldberg, Obama spoke primarily of US politics & the 1st years of his presidency — as in “The Promised Land” released tomorrow.

Most foreign policy issues in Obama's presidency are reserved for a future follow-up. But the interview briefly touched on sections of the book focusing on Israel, Bibi & Putin.

Goldberg asked about the way Obama wrote of Bibi & “others you don’t like”

“You calibrated writing on Bibi, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, others & did so much extra contextualizing”

“It’s no secret Bibi & I don't share views,” Obama said. “Same with McConnell. But Bibi's fascinating, same way Putin's a fascinating character. You can’t understand them, Russia or Israel, without looking at the history from which they rose, shaped them. Providing that context isn't me engaging in political calculation. I want the reader not to simply say this guy & Obama are antagonists, and since I’m reading Obama’s book I’m siding with him & the other guy must be a complete jerk. I want you to read it & say, I understand Israelis, given the world they're in, history they've experienced, threats surrounding them, turn to a figure of strength of a particular kind & why it clashes with Obama. My hope is there's a young Israeli politician reading my book who sees me pay attention to this context”

Putin is widely believed to strongly dislike Obama, even naming an obnoxious black goat in Russia's National Zoo after Obama. Obama's platitudes to Putin may be a clever distraction for his own benefit.

Obama reveals in a 2009 meeting with then Saudi king Abdullah, he pushed Riyadh & the Arab League to “consider a gesture to Israel to jump-start talks with Palestinians,” but got “noncommittal” response.

Recently, Obama aides in Biden's campaign insist while normalization agreements brokered by Trump are positive, the groundwork was laid before Trump, including by Obama.

Rubashkin Truck Driver said...


This idiot Conservative "rabbi" author is father of 5WPR's Juda Engelmayer who was caught violating Federal laws impersonating & mocking critics of his client Rubashkin. Juda's father sent him to YU but he continues to speak apikorsis due to his upbringing. The OU doesn't care that he's a koifer who was badmouthing R' Dovid Feinstein all over the Lower East Side for personal gain. The OU also used Juda to drown out the whistleblower mashgiach who caught the treif at Le Marais. What an OU line up that was alongside the goyim to take down the mashgiach, with their fangs & claws out: Izzy Belsky, Juda Engelmayer, Philly yeshiva boy Luban, Steve Savitsky, Quack Quack Genack, Dov Schreier, Avraham Keller. Even the Kirschenbaums who own Levana joined the OU slaughter so that the OU would help them cover up Levana's own multiple treif scandals.

Gerrorist said...

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu agreed Monday to reappoint UTJ-Agudah head Yaakov Litzman as housing minister, 2 months after he resigned from the position amid a theater act of protest & antics.

The appointment is likely to be approved by the cabinet next week.

Litzman quit earlier this year in what he said was a protest of the govt decision to impose lockdown during the High Holidays.

Litzman — formerly health minister — had long threatened to resign if lockdown was approved & also said his UTJ-Agudah party would bolt the coalition. He quit on Sept 13, but his party refused to go along with him.

His resignation was met with suspicion he was preempting an indictment against him, which would force him to resign as minister.

Litzman has been recommended for indictment on fraud & breach of trust for using his office to illicitly provide assistance to serial pedophilic abuser Malka Leifer, as well on a bribery charge he prevented closure of a food business he fressed at regularly that his own ministry had deemed unsanitary. The attorney general has yet to announce if he'll press charges.

Last month, Litzman wouldn't return to the cabinet due to opposition from his Rebbe, the Grand Rabbi of Gur. The Gerrer Rebbe has now given Litzman the go ahead. Litzman's about-face came after Yitzhak Cohen of Shas resigned as housing minister last week, less than a month after his appointment, saying he can't run the ministry & carry out his duties as a deputy minister in Treasury at the same time.

Cohen's appointment was intended as symbolic, with Litzman meant to run the ministry in practice, while serving as deputy minister in name. Cohen’s resignation came out of frustration of essentially being Litzman’s puppet.

Litzman is no stranger to resigning in protest & then returning a few months later.

In 2017, Litzman resigned as Health Minister over Shabbat desecration. He returned a little while later in that incident as well.

He also threatened to quit numerous times over the years without actually carrying through on the threats.