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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

In A World Gone Mad .. Joe Biden Names Transgender Military Veteran to Review Department of Defense


Here is a guy who thinks its Purim all year round and is being  placed in a very important position  as an "agency reviewer for the Department of Defense"

Crazy and the world accepts this now as "normal." 

A former official from the Barack Obama administration, Shawn Skelly, has joined former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential transition team as an agency reviewer for the Department of Defense.

Skelly, who is a man living as a woman, was appointed to the Obama administration in 2013 as a special assistant to the under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics and coordinator of the Department of Defense Warfighter Senior Integration Group. Skelly also was director of the Office of the Executive Secretariat at the Department of Transportation during the Obama administration.

The Washington Blade reported on Skelly’s appointment and Biden’s agenda of including LGBT officials in his administration:

“LGBTQ advocates are pressing Biden to reverse Trump’s ban on transgender military service in short order upon taking office as litigation against the policy continues in federal courts,” the Blade reported. “According to a memo from the San Francisco-based Palm Center, Biden could lift the ban against transgender service members in as little as 30 days.”



Freaky Fishel said...

No wonder why Trump has banned all Biden shlock shamushim from entering Federal properties!

Ezra Friedlander said...

Parnussa, parnussa

An Israeli citizen was sentenced Tues to 7 years prison after he was convicted of heading a cross-border smuggling ring that transferred 1000s of tons of concrete, piping, metals & electronic equipment directly from Israel to the Hamas terror org in Gaza.

Michael Peretz, resident of Mivtahim village in Eshkol region, was also fined NIS 200,000 (approx $60,000) after his conviction by Beersheba Court earlier this year of a series of crimes judges said “damaged national security”

Among the charges, Peretz was found guilty of contacting a foreign agent, facilitating transfer of illegal goods to terror groups, money laundering & tax fraud amounting to millions of dollars. He was, however, cleared of the most serious charge — “aiding a terror group in its war against Israel”

According to the Shin Bet after his arrest in 2015, Peretz, along with 2 other Israelis, set up a front company to cloak transfer of illegal materials to a Hamas middleman at the Kerem Shalom crossing, who delivered them directly to the terrorists.

Of the merchandise supplied to Hamas in 2013-2015, prosecutors said the pipes were used in production of rockets, while concrete enables rebuilding attack tunnels into Israel that were destroyed in the 2014 war.

In addition to building materials, the gang led by Peretz transferred millions of shekels’ worth of electronic devices, generators, tracking equipment, engines & communication cables.

Judges said Peretz knew materials he transferred to Gaza were destined for Hamas but continued with the deals because of high profits he was raking in.

Kerem Shalom border crossing is 1 of 3 crossings from Israel to Gaza, mostly facilitating transfer of humanitarian aid + passage of patients from Gaza to Israeli hospitals.

Over the course of 2014, Hamas utilized an elaborate tunnel system under the border to launch raids on IDF soldiers stationed outside the Strip.

Israel allows small quantities of construction materials into the Strip, saying in Hamas’s hands, large amounts of concrete & piping would be diverted to terrorism.

Gay Aveck said...

DIN, always the pessimist.

Have you considered that if they put that ugly thing on the battlefield, any enemy soldier would RUN for his life?

World gone Mad takka said...

I don't bother with the paywalled NY Times but Ich hub gehert that the newspaper of wreckers' dean of Liberal shvantzes Thomas Friedman is advocating Democrats commit fraud by going to Georgia in droves to flip the Senate seats (& America as you know it) from the Republicans.

Baal Ha Boss said...

the vile comments here put us jews to shame.