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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Don't rush to eulogize Trump'


Israeli-American businessman and activist Joe Zevuloni, who resides in the US and is an ardent supporter of President Trump, spoke Sunday morning with Golan Yochpaz and Anat Davidov on 103FM, addressing the claims of election fraud.

According to Zevuloni, “These elections didn’t start now, they started 4 years ago with the enlistment of all the Fake News against the president. It’s clear what’s going on here.”

“Biden stayed in his basement for the whole election period for one clear reason: he knew that CNN, Twitter, Facebook were with him. And what we see now is that that whole system of deception is together with him.

“There are machines that were discovered in Michigan which had a ‘glitch,’ as they called it. I call it, more correctly, a ‘virus’ - these machines are manufactured in China. In one district alone, 6000 votes for Trump went to Biden. That same machine is used in 47 other districts. This means there is the potential for 282,000 votes that could go from Biden back to Trump.

“There are unbelievable things here which demand investigation and explanation. And that is exactly what’s going to happen."

Zevuloni elaborated that “At 2 in the morning on Wednesday, they suddenly stopped the count in Philadelphia, in Detroit. Several hours later when they restarted the count, lo and behold Biden had increased by more than 138,000 and Trump was still at the same number. Mathematically speaking, this cannot be.”

“How do you explain the thousands of dead people that voted? I saw a list of some 2,000 names - I have the list - with people born in 1908, 1905, 1918, people over 100 if they are alive. But they told me that these people are dead. This is part of the proof that Rudy Giuliani is bringing to court.

“As democracy-loving people, don’t rush to eulogize Trump,” Zevuloni emphasized. “Our sovereignty here is very important. Only on December 14 according to our constitution do all the states - not some Fake News station - get together and give their certification [of the electoral votes]."

As for Netanyahu’s congratulation of Biden this morning, Zevuloni said that Netanyahu “may have considerations of which I am not aware, but in my opinion the correct thing to do, even for Mr. Netanyahu whom I greatly respect, is to respect the sovereignty of the US.”

“The fact that CNN dictated it does not mean that [Biden] is president.”



Anonymous said...







We Wuz Robbed said...


Barack Hussein Osama said...

A senior aide to Joe Biden said rejoining the Iran nuclear deal is “high on his agenda” & as president-elect would move to do so shortly after taking office

“In the 1st months of a Biden presidency, we either see him rejoin fully, or what I call ‘JCPOA-minus’ ie lifting sanctions in exchange for suspending some Iranian nuclear programs developed in the past 3 years” Amos Hochstein said Sun in a Hebrew language interview with Israel's Channel 12

Hochstein, a State Dept official who oversaw energy sanctions on Iran during Obama’s tenure, said Biden wants back the pact from 2015 — & abandoned by President Trump in 2018 — including its expiration date

The comments came as an Israeli news site reported Trump — in coordination with Israel & Arab Gulf states — plan a bevy of wide-ranging sanctions on Iran to make it more difficult for an incoming administration to reenter the nuclear deal

Quoting Israeli & Arab sources, Walla news said US Special Representative for Iran & Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, will announce a raft of fresh sanctions on Iran every week from now until Jan 20. These sanctions will target Iran’s missile program & support for terrorists, as well as focus on human rights violations, making it harder for Biden to roll back punishments

Abrams met with Prime Minister Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Sun & will hold talks with other senior Israeli officials

According to the report, Israel & the Gulf states believe Biden will swiftly lift sanctions on Iran to appease Tehran & it's clients, shedding US leverage over the cash-strapped country. New sanctions will keep pressure on Tehran & may keep Biden out of the pact unless he lifts them. Most Arab states, even far beyond the Gulf were mortified by Obama's appeasement of Teheran & it's sphere as an unacceptable danger to their own security. To a large extent, Biden is seen as a lockstep Obama follower & under pressure from the pro-Iran progressive wing of the Democrat party

“The goal is as many sanctions as possible by Jan 20” an unnamed Israeli official is quoted

An Arab official involved in the negotiations told the site, “Trump's goal is to impose sanctions Biden can't lift.”

Earlier Sun, a senior minister in Netanyahu’s Likud party called for “dialogue with the new administration” hoping Biden does not reenter the pact under its previous terms

Netanyahu, a strident critic of the nuclear deal, argued it didn't place safeguards to prevent Iran from seeking nuclear weapons & cheered Trump's withdrawal from the accord

In his Channel 12 interview, Hochstein also spoke to the Palestinian issue, saying Biden “sees 2 states preferable to 1 state. And his fear if there's no 2 state solution, it will lead to 1 binational state”

Biden will “bring the Palestinians back to the heart of discourse” according to Hochstein

Trump unveiled a peace plan in Jan envisioning a Palestinian state in 70% of the West Bank, Gaza & Jerusalem suburbs. The plan was rejected by the Palestinian Authority, who boycotted Trump since his 2017 recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

An unnamed official in PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s office is quoted by Israel Hayom on Sun that Ramallah sent Biden messages the PA's willing to resume US-brokered negotiations, but only from the point they were halted in 2016 under Obama

The official adds Abbas demands Biden immediately return the US embassy from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, reversing Trump's move in 2018 & undo Trump’s recognition of Israel's capital

Biden previously said while he plans to take a more 'evenhanded' (sic) approach to the Middle East conflict than his predecessor, he won't overturn those decisions