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Saturday, November 14, 2020

Borders On Holocaust Denial’: CNN Blasted Over Shocking Segment Comparing Trump To Nazis Purging Jews

 CNN faced intense backlash on Friday over a segment that the leftist news organization aired this week that compared President Donald Trump’s administration to the Nazis purging Jews in Germany in the late 1930s.

“Commemorations of Kristallnacht took place earlier this week, remembering the 1938 two-day pogrom during which the Nazis burned more than 1,400 synagogues and Jewish institutions in Germany and Austria,” The Jerusalem Post reported

“While recalling the story of the infamous antisemitic slaughter, CNN Chief International Anchor and host of CNN International’s nightly interview program Christiane Amanpour, compared President Donald Trump’s presidency to that tragic event, explaining there has similarly been a ‘modern day assault’ attacking ‘those same values.'”

CNN faced intense backlash over the segment, yet the network did not issue any sort of statement and neither did Amanpour.

After the break are a small sample of some of the responses that the network received:



  • Dan McLaughlin, Senior Writer National Review: “This comparison borders on Holocaust denial.”
  • Allie Beth Stuckey, conservative commentator: “First of all, stop comparing politicians you don’t like & policies you don’t agree with to the freaking Holocaust. Second, it’s not conservatives burning books.”
  • Eric Metaxas: “That ‘elites’ of her age have a grasp of history this HEART-STOPPINGLY tenuous is the most telling fact of modern life. If you want to know how we got here, look no further. The Boomers drank the Cultural Marxist Kool-Aid of 1968 & have been intellectual corpses ever since.”
  • Mark Broome, journalist: “I know people who spout this ludicrous rhetoric and genuinely believe it’s an honest comparison. Brainwashing. It’s a helluva drug. Amanpour is also one of the most disgusting hacks among disgusting hacks.”
  • StopAntisemitism.org: “Hey @CNN @camanpour please stop using the horrors of the Holocaust to justify an agenda. Our suffering is not yours to play political ping pong with.”
  • Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council: “Despicable. @camanpour compares verbal fact checking of a POTUS to a Nazi pogrom in which dozens of Jews were murdered. Amanpour uses the book burning of Kristallnacht to reach this comparison thus ignoring the overall deadliness and human cost of the night.”
  • Joel Petlin, educator and journalist: “It’s outrageous everytime a journalist compares the Trump presidency to the start of the #Holocaust. The fact that @camanpour does it on @CNN doesn’t give it any more legitimacy. Message to all Journalists: STOP USING THE HOLOCAUST TO SCORE POLITICAL POINTS!”
  • Dovid Efune, Editor Algemeiner: “Awful from @camanpour . Using the Holocaust as a political cudgel is the height of insensitivity and disrespect. Did she mark Kristallnacht in previous years? Or only when politically opportune? The memory of the massacred millions is sacred. This segment is a desecration.”
  • Ram: “This is what their extreme viewers on the fringe want to hear. Instead of providing news commentary, CNN appeals to the worst instincts among it’s viewers, much like Hitler appealed to the worst instincts among his supporters. In that aspect, CNN is similar to the Nazis.”
  • Donald Trump Jr.: “These people are truly despicable.”
  • Mike Huckabee: “What a bigoted, ignorant, and utterly false statement. WIll @jack @Twitter yank her off Twitter? In the meantime, it’s not conservatives who are ‘making a list’ to deny ppl employment, ‘mark’ them for harassment or hate.”
  • Scott Adams: “Is this report crazy or evil? Hard to tell.”



Narcissist Loser said...

In his new memoir, former US president Barack Hussein Osama provides fresh details on his tense relationships with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu & pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, criticizing them for rallying domestic opposition to his anti-Israel policies

In “A Promised Land” which comes out Tues, Obama describes Netanyahu as “smart, canny, tough & a gifted communicator” who used his knowledge of American politics & media to resist administration policies he disagreed with

Obama writes Netanyahu’s “vision of himself as chief defender of the Jewish people against calamity led him to justify anything to keep himself in power” according to excerpts of the book seen by Jewish Insider

Obama recalls being told by Rahm-bo Emanuel, his 1st chief of staff: “there's no progress on peace when the American president & Israeli PM come from opposite political backgrounds” Obama began to understand Rahm-bo’s insight after time with both Netanyahu & Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas

Obama charges AIPAC's positions moved right with the political shift in Israel “even when Israel took action contrary to US policy” He laments politicians who “criticize Israel loudly risk being tagged anti-Israel, possibly anti-Semitic & confronted with well-funded opponents in the next election”

Obama whines he was victim of a “whisper campaign” to portray him as “insufficiently supportive, even hostile to Israel” in the 2008 presidential race

“Election Day, I get 70+% of the Jewish vote, but as far as AIPAC's board was concerned, I remained suspect, of divided loyalties; someone whose support for Israel, as a David Axelrod friend colorfully put it, wasn’t felt in his kishkes — guts in Yiddish”

Saying Republicans are less concerned of the establishment of a Palestinian state, Obama asserts many Democrats in Congress were reticent to publicly address it from concern they'd lose support from AIPAC donors

Obama addresses his demand Israel freeze settlement construction to facilitate peace talks. Negotiations resumed at the end of a 10 month freeze, but Abbas aborted so the freeze was not extended by Netanyahu

Obama says it was “reasonable” to ask Israel for a freeze, as it's the “stronger party” However Obama editorializes, “as expected,” Netanyahu’s reaction was “sharply negative” & Obama says he came under pressure from Israel’s American allies

“White House phones started ringing off the hook,” Obama says, reporters & Jewish leaders “wondering why we're picking on Israel”

He accuses Netanyahu of an “orchestrated” push against him, which he says underscored that “normal policy differences with an Israeli prime minister exacted a domestic political cost”

He recalls a meeting with Netanyahu during the 2010 AIPAC conference. Obama snubbed Netanyahu at the time by marching out of a tense meeting

Obama insists the meeting ran overtime so he suggested a “pause” for a previously scheduled commitment. He says Netanyahu was “happy to wait” & it ended "cordially"

When Rahm-bo told him of the snub reports, Obama claims “a rare instance I outcursed Rahm-bo” referring to Rahm-bo’s notoriously salty tongue

Narcissist Loser said...

(Every word from Obama's filthy mouth is geared to social re-engineering, if not trying to spark more anarchist riots)

Barack Obama's new memoir condemns Trump for promulgating the Birther line that Obama wasn't born in the US & for exploiting racial “panic” for political benefit.

Obama wrote his election played a role in Trump’s rise to power by stoking racial discord & that divisions in American “run deep” so that Trump departing won't be enough to bridge the divide, he said.

“It's as if my very presence in the White House triggered deep-seated panic, a sense that natural order's disrupted - exactly what Trump understood when he peddled I'm born in the US & thus illegitimate”

“To millions of Americans spooked by a Black man in the White House, he promised an elixir for their racist anxiety” Obama says of Trump, as per CNN, who obtained a copy of the book.

He wrote he fears for US democracy in the 768-page book.

“Our democracy teeters on the brink — a crisis of opposing visions of what America should be”

The crisis “has the body politic divided, angry & mistrustful,” as per an excerpt in The Atlantic.

It “allows an ongoing breach of institutional norms, safeguards & adherence to facts once taken for granted”

Obama's “encouraged” by the "victory" of his former VP Joe Biden & running mate Kamala Harris, with “character & capacity to do what's right. I know no election settles the matter. Our divisions run deep; our challenges daunting. If I remain hopeful, it’s largely because I place my faith in citizens of the next generation. My book is for those young — an invite to remake the world, bring about thru hard work & imagination, an America that finally aligns with what's best in us”

Obama wonders if John McCain would've picked someone other than Sarah Palin as his running mate “given the chance to do it over”

“Via Palin, dark spirits long lurking on the edge of the GOP — xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, paranoid conspiracies, racism to Black folks — found their way to center stage,” Obama wrote.

Obama confessed smoking 10 cigarettes a day in the White House & eventually switching to nicotine gum after his daughter Malia “frowned” from “smelling cigarette on my breath”

Obama reveals his inability to be concise

He & wife Michelle, were “drained physically & emotionally” when they left the White House

“For a month, we slept late, swam in the ocean, took stock & planned a less eventful but hopefully no less satisfying 2nd act” he said

In a New York Times review, Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie praised Obama for (softball, aka) “savage self-questioning” (sic) he displays in the book.

At the same time “for all his ruthless self-assessment, there's very little of what the best memoirs bring: true self-revelation. So much is still at a polished remove”

Anonymous said...

Top political strategist in the Clinton Administration & Newsmax analyst Dick Morris on Fri blasted the presidential ballot recount underway in Georgia, declaring the process is a "sham, a hoax & a fix"

In an interview on Newsmax TV’s "Spicer & Co" Morris offered a video of Republican monitors at a hand-count of ballots in Georgia.

"Inspectors are far away from the table, they can’t see the ballots. This is the recount that's supposed to solve the problems. It’s absurd. They didn't permit the envelopes to be examined. A lot of absentee ballots ought to be thrown out & were not. This is a sham and a hoax and a fix. I did polling & I’m convinced that Trump won the election. It’s easier to steal paper ballots than machine ballots. Now with supposed recounting taking place, we see in that video how absurd the notion is"

The hand count of votes in Georgia began Friday.