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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Biden COVID-19 Board Member: "Time to Shut Down Indoor Dining, Gyms, and Home Gatherings" Will this Include Shuls!


During a Fox Business Network interview, Biden COVID-19 Advisory Board member Dr. Celine Gounder said we need to target “places that we know are big contributors to transmission are indoor restaurants, bars, gyms, and also private social gatherings of friends and family in the home” for closures. 

On the plus side, she is suggesting this as an alternative to shutting down the whole country. She also said the “draconian lockdowns” the country did earlier were a mistake. Instead, the country should,

“be much more targeted about how we tighten up some of our measures. I think of it like a dimmer switch, whereas before we had an on and off light switch. So, we can dial up and dial down in a much more granular fashion. So, some of the places that we know are big contributors to transmission are indoor restaurants, bars, gyms, and also private social gatherings of friends and family in the home. So, those are really the places we need to target for closures while keeping other services, for example, schools that are — have not been major contributors to transmission, they’re not zero-risk, but they are much lower risk, and they’re an essential service. And so, we’re really prioritizing keeping schools, for example, open.”

While we definitely don’t want to go the lockdown route, there are big problems with this type of thinking as well. For example, while there are studies saying different things, there is a lot of evidence that COVID-19 IS NOT spreading in gyms

Will a Biden administration destroy the restaurant industry, gyms, bars and challenge the 1st Amendment protections for churches based on….what exactly? 

Models that have been proven wrong over and over? Educated guesses that have also been wrong over and over? If you’re looking for definitive scientific evidence for what she’s suggesting here about where the coronavirus is spreading, you aren’t going to find it. You’re going to find a mishmash of different studies and guesses pointing in different directions that we are years away from being able to sort out.

One of the problems with these out-of-touch elites is that they feel very comfortable and confident about making decisions that destroy other people’s lives “for their own good.” 

They don’t think you “need” to go to church or to the gym or see your family, so it’s out. What they don’t understand is that the best person to make decisions for you is YOU. That doesn’t mean you won’t make mistakes. It doesn’t mean you won’t get it wrong. But, nobody knows you and your life better than you and unlike the elites that think they know best, you have to face the consequences if you blow it. Meanwhile, if they wreck someone’s life with a dumb decision, it’s not their problem. This is why they don’t have any business making decisions like this in the first place.


1 comment:

Drexel Politburo said...

I found old announcements placed in newspapers & decree wall posters from the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic.

Government officials ordered houses of worship closed for pikuach nefesh.

The Agudas Harabbonim who were all talmidei Volozhin, Slabodka, Kovner Kollel, Mir deLita, etc, did not make one peep of protest, nor did they start publicly hurling insults at powerful figures in golus, like the Agudah Baboons are doing 102 years later under Philly's spell.