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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Sukkah in Auschwitz



1 comment:

cyrano said...

There are actually 2 ways to regard this story. On the face of it is a tale of tremendous misiras nefesh that a Yid had for the sake of a mitzvah, fo9r without a doubt had any SS in the camp taken notice of what Rav Meisels had done the intrepid Rabbi would have been shot in the spot.

But 75 years later our values have changed. There are some Jews, and yes, even some Rabbis today, who would condemn the actions of Rav Meisels. They would not see it as an example of ultimate self-sacrifice, of devotion and service to Hashem in the extreme. No, some would assert that in his zeal to build a Succah in Auschwitz, Rav Meisels was endangering not only himself, but also placing the lives of other Jews in jeopardy. Had he been caught by the Nazi Commandant, it is highly possible that not only would Rav Meisels forfeit his life; in arousing the Nazi's pique the inmates of the entire bloc could be shot immediately. Therefore, it is not farfetched to imagine that had this event taken place today, there would be some who would not refer to Rav Meisles as a Kodoish, but rather as a Rodaif.

There are some would buy into the liberal trope that the mortality rate of 6 hundredths of 1% of the U.S. population is not merely tragic, but rather so catastrophic as to warrant the shutdown o0f the entire civilized world, which would arguably cause greater harm than good, but the precise effect of the closure of health promoting activities is difficult to measure. The regulations put into effect by the authorities are whimsical and capricious, cloaked with a thin veneer of scientific mumbo jumbo issued by some klutz in a lab coat.

Any comparison to the cholera epidemic that raged in Eastern Europe in the times of Rav Akiva Eiger is misguided. That disease was at least 50 times more deadly than the most that Convid-19 alarmists could estimate. Politicians today are trying their best to introduce a climate of fear, so that people would willingly relinquish their rights and cede absolute power to them.

There are many among us who are highly skeptical of what is presented to us as "data" and refuse to comply with autocratic safety measures that are both ineffective and inappropriate for our way of life. These zealots should not be called Roidfim.