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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Reb Chaim Kanievsky Orders Charedi Boys Schools to Reopen Despite Continued Ban


Report says Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky gave order after no deal reached with government; Coronavirus czar: reopening schools in violation of rules ‘is dangerous and against the law’

I am confused since Reb Chaim last week said that everyone should follow the government rules ..

I think that R' Chaim never said last week that "everyone should follow government rules" and I don't believe the report that  R' Chaim "gave orders to reopen the schools."

Yanky Kanievsky, the grandchild of R' Chaim is in control and he is making these conflicting statements .... he is a little shnook that became powerful because he is the one that controls all "statements from R' Chaim." ....

We don't know what R' Chaim actually said last week or what he said today ....we don't know what R' Chaim is even thinking ..and we don't know what he is being told ...
Was he told that 18 Bnei-Brak residents died last week alone from the virus?
Did he rule that the schools should open despite people dropping dead like flies in his own neighborhood? I doubt it ....

R' Chaim doesn't really give two hoots what's going on all he wants to do is learn, and doesn't really want to be bothered....


1 comment:

Ponivizh talmid said...

R' Chaim has actually flip flopped much more than this.

Yanky, the little shvantz, is an Agudah tool who is probably also responsible for the zayde being deathly ill from the virus. Yanky doesn't let in doctors or other gedolim so that they don't disrupt the Agudah game plan to infect gantz Klal Yisroel. A few times Rav Edelstein from Ponivizh managed to sneak in & talk some sense into R' Chaim. At those times there are R' Chaim announcements that are logical. But starting the next second Yanky & Agudah go overdrive to be mevatel it, probably even without permission. Part of this scam is the false propaganda that R' Chaim feels like a million bucks & hasn't slowed down learning. Arutz Sheva got hold of a video where he is blacked out while Yanky was trying to stage a fake picture with his unconscious body propped up with a sefer.

There have been some fireworks in the Knesset by the way with that Moroccan pile of dirt Aryeh Deri. All the Sfardi gedolim are against opening up so maybe he's getting bakshish from catering outfits because he is fighting for 200 guest weddings. Bibi & most of the Knesset are furious, keep telling him to be quiet & sit down. Even the Arabs are telling Bibi it's too dangerous, he must ignore Deri. And the other Charedi MKs have privately griped to newspapers that Deri is out of his mind. You have to know who you are dealing with. Deri was investigated umpteen times by the NYPD for putting out a hit on his own shvigger because she was witness in his fraud trial & mistam also for yerusha gelt. It's suspected the Mayor & Attorney General did not have the guts to bring down a senior foreign official like Deri. Guy Peleg wrote in Zayin Yamim Magazine in 2000, that Yaakov Shmuelevitz, who was the money man at the yeshiva that laundered Deri's gelt, was almost assassinated after being trailed. Yediot reported the same year that several judges in Deri's corruption trials received death threats